Mast repair thoughts


Mar 7, 2025
Tri-Star 48 Ketch Wilmington
I am in the process of rerigging and rewiring my 61' Kenyon 6902 mast. When we pulled the mast, I discovered a crack below the partner. The mast is in good shape for 40 years old. Just corrosion below the partner.

I am considering ordering a 7' section of mast to replace the entirety below the partner to the step, using a portion of what I remove as a 3' sleeve.

Is this a viable option or should I order a whole new mast? If I sleeve, is there a pattern for riveting or plug welding somewhere?


May 29, 2018
Canel 25 foot Shiogama, japan
RE:Is this a viable option
This the visible damage from the partner to the deck.

What has caused this?
Did water enter the mast and was not able to drain out?
Was there an electrical leakage resulting in electrolysis?

All of the interior of the mast needs careful inspection.
I would remove the spreaders and see what corrosion is visible there.
Maybe some kind of insertion camera?
There is not use repairing one section only to find that there is damage elsewhere.

I feel for you.

Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
This is a question for a Naval Architect who has experience with aluminum masts on recreational sailboats. The damage is pretty extensive and an assessment by a professional will be money well spent. Once you have professional input a call to Selden might be in order. Good Luck.


Mar 7, 2025
Tri-Star 48 Ketch Wilmington
The weep hole was plugged and water poured out of the mast when it was pulled. The damage was below partner and I am guessing the electrical source was coming from a broken lead to the spreader lights or the tri-color light, which is why I pulled the mast to rewire.

I am cutting the section off this morning and running my bore scope through it.

Thanks for your reply.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Welcome to the forum.
I see you identify Coastal and Ocean sailing in your profile. This would indicate that you rely on your rig during extreme conditions. Unless aluminum metal repairs are in your professional background, you might want to consult with someone competent with this type of project. The new materials and the welding will be critical to a safe, secure repair.

We have Ballenger Spars on the West coast who has experience with the project you are facing. Custom aluminum and Carbon Masts and Booms | Ballenger Spar Systems
Shipping your mast would be a long distance. Someone is likely in your region as well.