Here is a picture of mine.The gin pole works fine during mast raising. It starts out vertical when the mast is down, and is near the deck when the mast is up. The problem is after I raise the mast, I would like to lay it up against the mast, but it binds on the mast base when it's still a few degrees out. I considered two ways I think I could get it to go, but before I tried anything, I found I could raise without it. I could waller out the bolt holes or dent it at the end maybe.
I don't have roller furling yet. It might be a while before I get the funding for that. Heck I just got the boat paid for! Actually I'm wanting to get a new main sorta like yours. It reminds me of my Hobie main. Full battens and loose footed, It makes a nice shape. Mine is the original '93 main, and it's stretched a good bit.
I attached a pic of my mast step. I don't know if it's different or not.
I just looked at a pic of your mast step and they are different. Mine is actually a hinge and it looks like there isn't as much room for the gin pole to mount as on yours.

Could you put a dog leg in the bracket at the bottom so that it lays back further at the top.
Ours doesn't come ....

....all the way back to the mast either. In fact I stated on the page...
...about the mast raising system that we sail with it up there. That isn't true anymore. We always take it off and store it back at the side of the aft berth with all the other long stuff. I know others leave it attached and I could see that if you are day sailing and taking out at the end of the day that is probably a good deal,
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