Mainsheet Question

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Phil Benge

I'm almost ready to get my 82 Mac fixer-upper in the water. I set up the mast and boom today and rigged the mainsheet. The mainsheet still has the original set-up (tied off on starboard, double block on boom and single block on port with a cam cleat on port). When I'm going to be reaching or running with the boom out, the mainsheet is going to be rubbing on the port or starboard stern pulpit stanchion. Is that normal and okay? If it's a problem does anyone know of a quick fix? I'm planning to switch to a traveler later, but first I've got to see if the boat even floats and sails. Thanks

Scott Kearney

It Works

We have sailed sailed and heavily cruised our Mac 25 for 17 years now. The mainsheet setup has always performed well. The first thing I did was replace the hardware with a Harken fiddle block on the boom and the appropriate hardware on either side of the stern pulpit.I would say that it is a necessity to do so. Yes, the sheet will lat against the pulpit when broad reaching or downwind, but is no problem. Another advantage is you can install a Bimini over the cockpit. The mainsheet will stay off the edge of the Bimini by 2 to 3 inches, allowing normal working of the main.Also, we sail with the pop-top up WITH a boom vang. Works great. Yes, the vang line lays against the pop-top, but works perfectly. After 17 years, the gel coat on ours is still fine, believe it or not! Happy MacSailing!
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