Mac 25 rudder alteration

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I have made my rudder 3.5 in. wider. Its like having power steering when you need it most,in a hard blow and the boat wants to round up. Its real nice but, have I made my boat slower? And if I have, would a deeper rudder be better than a wider rudder? I like the power steering when the wind is upwards of 20. Please help, Greg

Doug Rodrigues

I want one too.

What type of wood did you use, and can you e-mail me a rough drawing? Thanks.


I have never heard of making your rudder wider...

I have never heard of making your rudder wider... I'm taking this to mean thicker? I have a mac 26d which is pretty well known to have severe weather helm in gusts. One of the most common mods on this model is a modified rudder. The rudder I built has about 2 inches more leading edge which moved the pivot center back 2 inches, it is also 6 inches longer. But the foil shape is identical to any other rudder design. This changes the handling characteristics of this model like night and day. You can easily make one out of any hard wood, I used maple, and coated it with epoxy to weather proof it.

Scott Kearney

Rudder Redesign

The first thing I did when we bought "Renaissance" was redesign the rudder. The stock design is awful. I utilized the existing aluminum vertical stock for ease of remounting. I installed a mahogany board inside the aluminum and thru bolted it. Then had two 3/8" aluminum plates made and attached it to the mahogany board. I designed a mahogany rudder much like the old Mac rudders of the '70s, which were excellent. It is wider at the top and narrows slightly downward, shaped like a rectangular spade. It is 36" deep and retracts beautifully. The performance is awesome. Like power steering, and goes to weather like a racing boat. I have design drawings if you are interested. Also, I use Harken hardware everywhere, which makes sail handling instant and easy. By the way, you CAN sail with the pop top up AND with a boom vang fully tightened. It simply slides across the front of the pop top when coming about or jibing. No damage to the gel coat. The main is flat and proper! Happy Mac sailing!
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