live aboard marinas in NYC

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I am moving to Manhattan this spring and I was looking for a marina that accomadates year around liveaboards. Can anyone can offer any sugestions. Thank you in advvance Jerry


Hudson River

I seem to recall a marina around 78th-to-80th street on the Hudson River. Riverside Park starts about there. I don't know if they accomodate year-'round liveaboards though. Might have better luck on the New Jersey side, or Long Island. I think title to Governor's Island was reverting back to the state from the Federal gov't. The Coast Guard 1st District HQ used to be there. I'd bet there is a marina on the island worth checking into. Good luck. I'm sure if you find something suitable, it won't be cheap! --Ron

Robert Polk

Liberty Marina - New Jersey

Check out Liberty Marina in New Jersey. It is opposite downtown NYC and there are a number of ferries that service NYC operating out of the Marina. I think they may allow live aboards.


I am interested as well

I would be interested as well. I am living in the Bay area right now, and there are no more livaboard berths, and more are being taken away. I was wanting to move back to NYC so I would like to set it up before I move there. Thanks

Tom Koco

Liberty Marina - Ditto

Jerry, I would also suggest Liberty Marina which has immediate access to the Hudson River, is directly across from the Worlds Trade Center, lower Manhattan and is adjacent to Liberty State Park, Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. The view of Manhattan is fabulous and awesome when the sky is clear, during the day or night. Sailing along the base of the Manhattan skyline is an experience that sticks. The ferry does operate from this area with service to the City. However, you are committed to the over water travel route, unless you have a car and use the Path Train to the City from the Jersey side. I have sailed this area and have an intimate knowledge of the state park as I am an architect who worked on restoration of the adjacent historic CNNJ Terminal, designed the Blue Comet Auditorium and other park facilities. I also have alot of great memories and experiences as this place seems to be touched with some magic left over from the past when the terminal and historic sites were in their heyday! The easy access to the river is great jumpoff point for cruises up the river (great in fall), to Long Island Sound (watch the tides at Hell Gate) and into the Atlantic and down the Jersey coast. The only negative may be the constant noise of air traffic (helicopters zipping in and out of the City). Good luck, give the tugboats a wide berth and check this marina out. TK


Liberty Marina

Do they have a web site? What town are they located in in NJ?


live aboad NYC

Tom Thank you for the suggestion of the Hudson marinia, as others have suggested. I did look into the location and as you pointed out I would be restricted on transportation since I do not plan on bring my car into New york. Your pitcure like discreption of the area makes me want to set sail today. I can see the skyline and almost here the tug boats and commercial vessel going by. I had ask the question about the live aboard becasue I answered an email from another boater who was looking for a liveaboad in Boston. At the time he was in NYC. So I was for sure I could find somthing. If all fail I will probaly dock for the season and use that time to looking around. But for now if anyone hears of a year aroud marina please let me know. Jerry


nyc liveaboard

Eric The link to the NJ marina is also there is lincoln harbor. Let me know if you find anything in your search. Jerry
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