Larger genoa for B323

Jun 24, 2024
Beneteau 323 Sayvillle, NY
I have a 2007 B323 with the standard 116% genoa and would like to get something bigger. I see some posts from back in 2007 regarding the issue with the shrouds attaching at the toe rail and the inboard track limiting the genoa size ( 165-170 Genoa ). Has anyone found a solution or has positive experience with a bigger genoa, maybe 135%? I am looking to reduce the weather helm, closer haul, and get better performance. Thank you.
May 17, 2004
Beneteau Oceanis 37 Havre de Grace
I don’t think that design gives you too many options there. The only way to run a bigger genoa would be to sheet outside the shrouds. Doing that will really hurt you sheeting angle, making it harder to point upwind. The extra sail area will also pull the center of effort backwards, which will only increase weather helm. The extra sail area probably wouldn’t be worth those compromises, especially because most of the forward pull upwind comes from the leading edge of the sail, not the back portion. A larger headsail can be a help downwind, but an asymmetrical spinnaker or Code 0 is the better way of making gains there anyway.
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Jun 24, 2024
Beneteau 323 Sayvillle, NY
Thank you for the feedback. I have an asymmetrical spinnaker for the down wind legs.
Aug 2, 2010
J-Boat J/88 Cobourg
I presume the need for a larger genoa is for reaching and downwind conditions. Your Assy kite can handle the downwind but a Code 0 is probably the best solution for reaching, especially in lighter conditions. I had a B-323 and certainly would gladly have added a C0 but I sold her first. Nice boat to spend time on.