KnowledgeBase: a call for volunteers

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Phil Herring

Mar 25, 1997
- - Bainbridge Island
As you know, there's a good bit of reconstruction left to do in the KnowledgeBase (see Boat Info -> brand/model -> KnowledgeBase).

Some articles are fine, but others didn't convert to this system very well. Many were truncated, some are missing photos, most lost the author's names. The majority are not yet categorized properly.

I've been trying to put time against the project but it's slow going and I also need to be working on other, more technical aspects of the site.

I am asking for your help to get this very important part of site properly sorted.

The task looks like this:

1. Volunteer to work on a specific boat model... or three. :)

2. I'll set you up with a login to the administrator portion of the new KnowledgeBase, PLUS access to the Photo/Project Forum on the old site.

3. From there you will be able to compare new article vs. old, then use the new admin screens to copy/paste any missing text, enter the author's name, delete bad photos and/or upload missing photos as needed.

4. You will also be able to determine which articles should be assigned to your model, then find and move them to the right category.

Requirements: You don't need to know any html, but you should be comfortable working with a new interface. This part of the site uses a Content Management System called Joomla. Its admin screens are not the world's most intuitive, but they're not terribly geeky.

For your trouble we permanently display you as a KnowledgeBase Benefactor for the boats you work on. Of course, they guys who did a super bang-up job on the old KnowledgeBase, Warren Milberg, Terry Cox, Rod Johnson, and a few others will get that designation too. :)

Frankly, I don't like to bother you with this kind of request. But pulling all of this info out of the Project Forum and into the light of day... it's overwhelming to see how much excellent information was buried in there. In other words, this will truly be worth the effort.

If you'd like to help out just reply to this post and I'll get in touch with you tio provide details and a quick tutorial.


Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 37-cutter, '79 41 23' 30"N 82 33' 20"W--------Huron, OH
Humm, lets see, which model should I sign up for? Maybe I could help with that old Hunter 37-cutter. If I run out of work there maybe another Cherubini.
Jun 3, 2004
Hunter 34 Toronto, Ontario Canada
Sure, Phil- i will take the 28,31,and 34 if you like- not really three boats because of the similarity


Apr 19, 2008
Hunter 22 Auburn, PA (driveway)

I can take on the H22 if you would like. -Herv
Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
I'll be happy to take on whatever part of the knowledgebase you need that no one else volunteers to do - it's winter here!!!
Nov 27, 2008
1988 Catalina 27 Lake Pleasant, AZ
I would be happy to help assuming Joomla! is somewhat intuitive. I spend hours researching nothing on the net -- this would at least be constructive! Let me know.

MatildaMouse somewhere in the desert...

Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
More Here

Looks like you have plenty of help for the Hunter 40.5. I'll take the Vision 32 and any of the Legend series you like. Rick D.

Phil Herring

Mar 25, 1997
- - Bainbridge Island
Thanks guys! I will contact you via email in the next few days with the login info you need plus a quick tutorial.
Jan 22, 1999
Hunter Legend 35


Be glad to help with the HL 35.

Asked you a few weeks back if you are going to re-institute the model manger as you had on the old set up ??

Robert Dean
Dec 2, 2006
Ranger 33 Putnam
I am willing to assist in anyway I can. I have experience with the H22 and the h27. But from your description, you are mainly looking for editors, specific model knowledge is not really required? I am well veresd in Joomla, HTML, Java, Pearl, Flash. Please feel free to call on me! I get a lot of info here and am more than willing to "give back".

Brian Savulis
b-s-a-v-u-l-i-s-@-y-t-i-o-n-l-i-n-e-.-c-o-m (remove hyphens)
Dec 2, 2003
Catalina C-320 Washington, NC
Need some Catalina or Cal Help

Phil I will volunteer to help with the C-320 and maybe more generic C-28-36' posts. I was also active on the old Sailnet Cal list when we owned our Cal 27-T/2 and most Cal info is fairly consistent accross the model lines

Let me know what you need from me.

Phil Herring

Mar 25, 1997
- - Bainbridge Island
You guys are the best. And Brian, you probably want to sit in the back of the room because I may be calling on you alot. :)

Model kmnowledge isn't critical, because ultimately, this project is about comparing a new article with an old article and editing the new one if data is wrong or missing.

I have another day or maybe two cleaning up little issues in the classifieds section (new as of yesterday) then I will be getting this organized.

Mar 20, 2004
Hunter 356 and 216 Portland, ME
I'll be happy to start with the H356/H36, and then whatever-at least until may 15th or so! It's snowing here, again...
Chuck Wayne
H356 WWW.Escape
Feb 26, 2004
Hunter 38 Portland, Oregon
knowledge base Hunter 38 volunteer

Phil, I'll be happy to review the Hunter 38 knowledgebase.
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