'kite sailing isn't sailing ?!?!?" kite sailing is for sure sailing. after being bored on my old cal 20 only sailable from may to oct 15 on lake erie, i took up windsurfing . i then and frittered many a day and weekend from FL to canada after bigboat sailing shut down, with my fleet of boards (even cruising to a disastrous DNF in the east coast mistral championships 1987, for which i got a nice hat.. which i still have...) kite sailing is one step up and a lot harder than windsurfing IMHO because you can break a whole lot more of your bones . windsurfing taught me a whole lot about boat handling and unlike my big boat i could do it in january (in a full drysuit...)key west, february... cnandian hole buxton NC easter.. vw camper van, 'those were the days my friends...'