Keel bolts on a 23-2

Oct 24, 2023
O Day 23-2 Oneida Lake
New to the forum, and to the ODay 23-2 I bought in July. Can someone tell me if these are the keel bolts, and if so how bad are they and do I need to replace them? If they aren't, then what are they? Many thanks in advance.


Jul 29, 2018
Telstar 28 Buzzards Bay
Your boat has a center-board with lead ballast - those look like bolts to hold the lead ballast to the hull and are in really bad shape. They may be carbon steel and not stainless. Carefully examine the fiberglass to lead joint to see if it has opened up at all - if not, probably no immediate risk of the keel falling off. The keel will be attached with a strong adhesive plus the bolts - make sure the adhesive is not failing. If the keel is moving, you'll want to address it sooner rather than later. Ideally, it would be good to replace the keel bolts if you can but that entails dropping the keel - there are a couple of ways new bolts can be installed but none are real easy. Alternatively, you can sister some large lag bolts from the bilge into the lead ballast, alongside the existing bolts - this is the path I would pursue.
Oct 24, 2023
O Day 23-2 Oneida Lake
Thank you dmax, that is (fairly) reassuring. My boat has a centerboard and there is lead down there, but maybe encased in fiberglass? I can't see any exterior join between hull and keel.
Does anyone have a picture of what new 'keelbolts' look like, for comparison? Or at least in better condition?
Jun 2, 2004
Oday Day Sailer Wareham, MA
I don't know what those bolts are for, but they do not hold the keel on! The keel on the 23-2 is molded as part of the hull, no bolts. The lead ballast consists of lead blocks set into the inside bottom of the keel on both sides of the CB housing and set in a bed of thickened resin, then glassed over.. The Centerboard itself has about 15# of lead flashing inside to allow it to drop instead of floating. I wonder if maybe those rusty objects are what O'DAY used to lift the lead ballast into the boat? They look like they might be eyebolts that have been bent over.
I'd maybe give Rudy Nickerson a call at D&R Marine (508) 644-3001, he was the Parts Manager for O'DAY fro many years and now runs a little shop supplying parts for our "old" O'DAYs. He may know what the "bolts" might have been for. But,, they do not hold the keel on, so no danger of the keel falling off.
Oct 24, 2023
O Day 23-2 Oneida Lake
Thank you, that was just what I needed to read. I had pretty much worked my way to this conclusion, but it's good to have it confirmed. Yes, they do look more like rounded over eye bolts than keel boats.
I have spoken to Rudy Nickerson before, he is extremely helpful, and I just hope when they discover the secret to eternal life that he's the first person to get it.