Just picked up a super nice 2003 Precision 165 but I have a lot of questions I haven't found answers to online.

Nov 30, 2024
Precision 165 Viking Yachating Center
I've been learning to sail on a Catalina Capri 14.2 for several months now so I felt it was time for the next step up. Something still trailer-able with some ballast. I just picked up a really nice 2003 Precision 165 with a super nice trailer from an RV dealership that took it in on trade. They didn't know anything about it so I was able to scoop it up for 2k out the door price which is taxes, tags and everything.

I did notice some issues, like one of the spreaders was broken and had a half-arsed repair done to it, and there is a small corner of the track at the base of the mast that has chipped off. Knowing some welders, it should be a relatively cheap repair. However, I'm still looking for opinions here on what to expect with a proper repair with what you folks see in these pictures. How will repairing this effect the integrity of the mast base strength under a load, what grade of aluminum is it made from...ect..ect

Also, in regards to the mast. It's completely open on the bottom. Is that normal? My Capri 14.2 has a heavy duty piece of some sort of plastic that is inside the bottom of the mast and that's what actually what rests on the mast step instead of bare aluminum. I could not find anything on Precision's website that mentions any kind of foot, or "cushion" for the base of the mast

Another thing is there were no rubber boots for the end of the spreaders and as far as I can see, on Precision's website, none are listed in their complete parts list for this boat. I know I can just buy some generic aftermarket ones, but did this boat really come without a means to protect the mainsail from rubbing the end of the spreader?

I guess my final questions would be, is there a better site for parts or is precisionboatworks.com my only option




SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Looks like a fun Pocket Yacht. A move up from your Capri 14.2 in that now you have a cuddy to hide in if it rains. You can camp out or have a sleepover and not get rained on. Cool.

The Mast is completely open on the bottom. Is that normal?
Yes. It is a way to let the water that gets into the mast. It is a way for water to spill out onto the deck and overboard into the sea. The images of the mast show partial holes drilled to allow the water to empty.
Another thing is there were no rubber boots for the end of the spreaders

did this boat really come without a means to protect the mainsail from rubbing the end of the spreader?
Yes. These boats are known for a limited number of attachments. To protect the main sail, the crew trim it so it does not touch the spreader.
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Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
Congratulations for your new to you boat. Precision is a well regarded boat line. So I expect you to have good sailing experiences with her.
The spreader can probably be welded but without a picture of the break it's hard to tell. Some factors that might affect the repair are how clean the break is, whether or not the spreader bent before it broke. It is swept back so there is more than just compression on it. The web site below lists a replacement spreader for $ 68.XX. Seems like the way to go if it's still available. Trying to find one from a parted out boat would be a challenge. You could probably find something you can re-purpose at a marine scrap yard or maybe a retailer like Rig Rite.
As for the mast base I'm guessing that the thru mast pin, with the compression sleeve, fits into some sort of slot, of thru a hole in the mast step so that the mast base isn't the only support for the mast. I assume that the mast is taken down by rotating it rearward while walking back on the cockpit sole. In which case the mast needs to have some bevel on the rear part so it can rotate. If you just pick up the mast and insert it in the mast step Gunga style, I can see why it's beaten up. In either event the damage may not be that significant.
As for spreader boots, depending on the configuration of the spreader shroud interface you may be able to use rigging tape or aftermarket spreader boots.
This may not be the only source available but if they are still in business it would be the most expedient:

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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
It sounds like the original design of the Precision 165 utilized a hinged tabernacle mast base.
Perhaps something like this.
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Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Precision boats were designed by Jim Taylor who is noted for designing boats that are fun to sail, fast, and comfortable. In addition to the Precision Line, he designed several models for Sabre Yachts, and the Colgate 26 used in many sail training programs.

If you don't have a manual for the boat, I'd suggest you spend the $10 and buy a copy from Precision, it will be a good reference. Also read the design brief on the Precision website, it will give you some good insight into the boat.

For generic parts, like running rigging, standing rigging, cleats, spreader caps, any good marine store will be a source, Defender.com, Fisheries Supply, Hamilton Marine, and don't forget the SBO store. For parts specific to the Precision 16.5, Precision will be the best bet.

Whether the mast has a bottom cap, really depends on how the boat was designed, some have them, some don't. A photo of the mast step will be helpful. You might also consult with Precision on how to repair the mast. If this is a common issue, then they may have a solution.

Enjoy the boat.
Sep 24, 2018
Catalina 30 MKIII Chicago
I could not find anything on Precision's website that mentions any kind of foot, or "cushion" for the base of the mast
Call them for this very specific question. They may not make boats but they still sell parts
Nov 8, 2007
Hunter 27_75-84 Sandusky Harbor Marina, Ohio
The mast is deck stepped. There should be a metal (probably aluminum) fixture on the cabin roof where the mast would rest. If there is not such a fixture, it is missing, and there will be evidence on the deck (bolt holes for instance). A picture of this area would clarify the situation for us.

But the clear first step is to call Precision. You are lucky they are still in business, and they will know how to answer your questions, and where to find the mast step if it is missing.


Oct 14, 2023
Stuart (ODay) Mariner 19 Yeopim Creek
Not a Precision owner, but my neighbor owns a 14ft Precision, and we've worked on it together.

In addition to Precision, there is an active Precision owner's group at https://trailersailor.com/forum/. Very thoughtful and knowledgeable group of Precision owners, with the 165 and the 23ft being the primary focus.

Fred W
Stuart Mariner 19 #4133 Sweet P
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Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Just a guess.. the Capri 14.2 is an unballasted dingy so there would be some benny to not having the mast fill with water in a capsize, maybe that is the reason for the plastic part at the bottom of the mast. Not a problem to worry about with the Precision 165. Nice boat and good find!
Nov 30, 2024
Precision 165 Viking Yachating Center
Thanks for the comments and useful information. I spent a day cleaning and doing a closer inspection of things. I knew this boat was going to clean up really nice, but was still surprised when I was finished. It sat in the woods for 9 weeks after it was traded in and was full of leaves, which were also all frozen to the boat. You all know how much of a pain leaf stains can be.

Boat just needs one spreader which is like 69$ bucks, the deck plug for the mast light when it 20$, however much the little welding touch up will be and possibly the Luff Extrusion for the CDI roller is pretty warped. I may try and straighten it up with a heat gun, if not its like 260$

Picture dump for those interested.


Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
Nice job on the cleanup!! Leaf tannin stains can be hard to get rid of. And I’m sure doing it in cold temps wasn’t fun. I’m more understanding of the mast step.
Nov 8, 2007
Hunter 27_75-84 Sandusky Harbor Marina, Ohio
Looks like you have a functioning mast step which will be a hinge, allowing for easy and quick mast lowering and raising. I would not worry about the rough edges at the bottom of the mast if it fits the mast step, and raises as expected.

Looks like a great buy to me!

For the Admiral and I, a similar Rhodes 19 keel boat was our first step up from our Moth, and vacation use of a Sailfish and a Sunfish. Fair winds and following seas!
Sep 24, 2018
Catalina 30 MKIII Chicago
The interior is super similar to my former Starwind 19, which was also a Jim Taylor design. Great little boat!


Jan 29, 2018
Beneteau 411 Branford
i don't think the mast foot is an issue if it fits the plate. The in/out material bends could be filed. I don't think the missing pieces are a structural issue. You could always cut 1/4" -5/16" off to clean it up some - i would not cut all the "damage" off.


Jan 29, 2018
Beneteau 411 Branford
Before cutting any, make sure you have sufficient adjustment/takeup in your rigging
Nov 30, 2024
Precision 165 Viking Yachating Center
Nah, I'm not taking any material off the bottom of the mast that would in any way shorten it. I got a guy that's going to build the missing material back up and has welded 6063 aluminum before.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Be sure to leave some weep holes. Water will get in the mast. It needs a way to get out, or when you lift the mast to put the boat on a trailer the mast will pee on your feet.


Jan 29, 2018
Beneteau 411 Branford
Welding 6063 does drop the metal strength. I acknowledge that this is compareativly a low stress area of the mast
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