Hi Alan and JSsailem.
I will clarify my comment " No VHF radio. No one in Japan has a radio. "
I know it sounds absurd.
Firstly , just because VHF radios are made in Japan doesn't mean they are common.
Yamaha PWC jet skis are a made in Japan. But you will very rarely see one.
When I say No one, I mean recreational boat owners and fishing boats under 20 or 30 ton.
So, I was meaning people like us.
Three years ago I did my Japanese A class boat license.
This is up to 50 tons and 500 miles off shore.
It cost $1200. Training 2 full days in the class and one on the water.
Then the test paper test in the morning and boat handling it the afternoon. (4 full weekdays)
I asked the instructor why there were no questions on radio (especially Pan Pan and Mayday procedures)
he (78 year old retired Coast Guard Commander) told me that no one with a small boat has a radio.
In Japan there is no leisure boating class. There are only commercial licenses.
Yes to ride a jetski you needed a commercial license.
In the last year or so they introduced a Jetski license. $800 thank you.
So to use a VHF you need a commercial radio operators license. You need to be able to read semaphore (flags) and be able to tap out Morse at a given rate. And you need to pay $1000 for the test. The radio needs to be inspected every three years.
Before I bought mine I looked at about 15 boats on the internet ( all under 35 feet) and none had radios.
In the port where I am moored there are two boats that sail long distance (Hawaii or Alaska ) with radios the other 20 or so. No radios.
The reason are the cost and the hoops that you have to jump through.
I will clarify my comment " No VHF radio. No one in Japan has a radio. "
I know it sounds absurd.
Firstly , just because VHF radios are made in Japan doesn't mean they are common.
Yamaha PWC jet skis are a made in Japan. But you will very rarely see one.
When I say No one, I mean recreational boat owners and fishing boats under 20 or 30 ton.
So, I was meaning people like us.
Three years ago I did my Japanese A class boat license.
This is up to 50 tons and 500 miles off shore.
It cost $1200. Training 2 full days in the class and one on the water.
Then the test paper test in the morning and boat handling it the afternoon. (4 full weekdays)
I asked the instructor why there were no questions on radio (especially Pan Pan and Mayday procedures)
he (78 year old retired Coast Guard Commander) told me that no one with a small boat has a radio.
In Japan there is no leisure boating class. There are only commercial licenses.
Yes to ride a jetski you needed a commercial license.
In the last year or so they introduced a Jetski license. $800 thank you.
So to use a VHF you need a commercial radio operators license. You need to be able to read semaphore (flags) and be able to tap out Morse at a given rate. And you need to pay $1000 for the test. The radio needs to be inspected every three years.
Before I bought mine I looked at about 15 boats on the internet ( all under 35 feet) and none had radios.
In the port where I am moored there are two boats that sail long distance (Hawaii or Alaska ) with radios the other 20 or so. No radios.
The reason are the cost and the hoops that you have to jump through.