Is there an "anti-barberhauler"?

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George Kornreich

My boat (Hunter 430) has an inboard jib track but no outboard track. Also no slotted toe-rail to which to attach a block... only a midship docking cleat. Is there some good way to haul the jibsheet outboard for off-wind sailing efficiency? Thanks

Don Guillette

Is there an anti "barberhauer"

George; With nothing to attach to such as a toe rail, there is no way I know of to go outboard. The only solution is to add track. That is what a lot of outboard track only guys do, who want inboard track - they just add a piece on each side. It is a simple matter to do and your other points of sail other than closehauled will appreciate the outside track.

Doug T.

Whisker pole

On a run or broad reach, a whisker pole will be a great help. You can add various lines to the outboard end of it to better control the clew position.
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