Is there a deisel tank well drain?

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Is there a drain in the molded well that the deisel tank sits in ? I think a collection of fluids in the well is causing my interior odor. I would like to "flush" the well with some white vinegar or something. If no drain, could one be added? Or, does the well drain into the space between the hull and grid? TIA



Peggie Hall/HeadMistress

Wet vac

If water has been sitting in that well for any length of time, it's a good bet that it's the source of odor...stagnant water becomes a primordial soup and stinks! White vinegar won't do much good. After sopping up any oil or diesel with oil eating bilge pads, clean it out with a strong solution of detergent and water...if you have access to a power washer, use it to blast all the glop and gunk that grows in primordial soup loose. Flush all the dirty water and glop out with clean water VERY thoroughly to remove it all, or you might as well not have bothered to do anything. Then wet vac, hand pump, sponge all the clean water out. If your fuel tank has been sitting in water, you'll also want to check it for any signs of corrosion/leakage...and keep that well dry in the future (wet vac, hand pump, sponge) to prevent corrosion.
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
No drain that I know about.

Marcus: We have a H'31 with the same setup. Ours does not have a drain. I would suggest that you remove the straps and lift the tank to clean out the tray. Maybe you could seal the edge of the tray and the tank with some good quality Duct Tape. This would prevent water from getting in there in the future. Do you have any idea how the water got there to begin with?
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