Is it just my imagination

Dec 26, 2008
Bristol 30 Long Island Sound
I don't really think its the medium, I think it's the message. I have grown a bit disinterested in this forum. It used to be very friendly, information based, you asked a question, 20 people respond and you take the advice with a grain of salt. You then pick the answer you like the best and act upon it.

Now there is just way too much political nonsense, too many uninformed opinions. I have found that there are plenty of people on here that post just to be contrary. We have people bashing things that they have no first hand knowledge of, copying pictures and post's here, re-posting in other forums all at the expense of legitimate helpful people that are just here to learn and maybe pass on a bit of information.

I still check in, but I don't post like I used to. There are way too experts that can't stand not putting their 2 cents in on every thing that gets posted.

I still value this forum, there is a lot of good stuff. I am just a little bit more particular about what I chose to read these days.
That sounds like a couple of yacht clubs I am familiar with.


May 21, 2007
Catalina 36 MK II NJ
I didn't like the new format at first, but now, I think it is GREAT! I have meet a lot of new people and enjoy this format 1000 times better.

Phil, one word, awesome! I really like the the new user personal site options. Well done and bravo!