Is it just my imagination


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
I am inclined to think that the forum is less active and has fewer active members since the new format has been in place. Phil should have a pretty good handle on this but I am missing some familar names and opinions since the change.


Site Activity

Once upon a time I was an active member, but lost interest with all of the changes. As I told Phil I'll peer in from time to time as a guest to see what's going on and perhaps one day will find my old excitement rekindled.

Bob V

Mar 13, 2008
Catalina 42mkII Lagoon Point
You might have something there

I haven't seen Roger or his girlfriend for a long time.

I for one have been less of a regular since the drama of the election year(s) are now behind us. I check in once in a while and all I hear is the right-wingers anticipating their coming bush withdrawal pains.

I don't see anything about the new format that should keep anyone away unless they are just afraid of change.

I have another theory also that may contribute. The economy is crashing and many people are losing there jobs. From what I read, most of you are posting from "work". I would fire the lot of you worthless s.o.b.'s...get back to work.


Sep 21, 2005
other 12 wet water
Do you think maybe with most people being creatures of habit and habits are being forced to change, most are uncomfortable with the change and don't have the free time they once had. Most are out looking for work and using the computers to find work? ya think? A second job taking up computer time? Timing is off, as are schedules and the economy is creating hardships for most. Not all, but most. I know I've seen less activity at the marina. Come to think of it,I've seen less of everything as of late. Grocery stores are busy, but all other stores are hurting. Maybe computers and the Internet are one of those items that is not necessary and is being cut out. I'd be willing to say that many homes that two TVs with cable boxes are sending the one "extra" box back. Many people are cutting back on most everything. I wonder what the owners of marinas have to say. Is there a waiting period anymore? Are they full up or are they feeling the pinch also?

Keep it up,


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
I am essentially "Out of work". Being self employed but with no work on the schedule I have consoldated my advertising, scaled back on any gift buying, food shopping only the sales, not buying any convienence food, cooking from basic. The economy is in the pits. Our marina has apparently put all future improvements on hold. There are not as many boats in storage this year. I don't know where they have gone. Our church budget has taken a 12 per cent hit on pledges this year.
Sep 20, 2006
Hunter 33 Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada
People don't like change. I really don't care, I come here for the information and the people here. I have noticed posting activity down slightly.... could be the economy, burn-out from the elections and economy and the season as lots put their boats away and interest turns to Christmas etc.
Dec 27, 2005
Hunter 36 Chicago
Haven't lost interest but the times are troubling

Having gone from the boat being an affordable pleasure to a 'not so sure I should spend the money' quilt trip. Guess a much reduced retirement fund and a somewhat cloudy job future does that to you. :neutral:. Sure do hate this gloom and doom stuff everyday..I think it wears down the enthusiasm for a lot of expensive hobbies.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Ken , I had hoped that I would be able to retire in 10 years when I turned 80 but with the economy the way it is I am not so certain. I may die with my tools in hand and my boots on. But I have been working for 55 years I suppose it will be alright to continue. Got no debt of consequence and SS pays almost enough for us to live on that. Hang in there, as long as you have reasonably good sense and can put one foot in front of the other you can get by.
Dec 27, 2005
Hunter 36 Chicago
Well, Bernanke and friends just cut the interest rate to almost zero. Never thought I would see anything like this in my lifetime and I'm sure there are a lot of baby boomers who are pretty shocked by what has been happening the last few months. This may end up being the type of economy where you will have to have some type of tradeable skill to survive. Hope it doesn't come to that but it pays to be prepared.
Jun 7, 2007
Pearson- 323- Mobile,Al
Unfortunately the republican model of socieity with the rich elite and the working poor makes a poor model of life. I guess that religion is the other part of the formula. Let the poor pray while the rich play. Religion makes untolerable situations more tolerable. Look at the Palestians all they have is god. Without praying 5 times a day they would have nothing.
Jan 11, 2007
Columbia 28 Sarasota
I don't really think its the medium, I think it's the message. I have grown a bit disinterested in this forum. It used to be very friendly, information based, you asked a question, 20 people respond and you take the advice with a grain of salt. You then pick the answer you like the best and act upon it.

Now there is just way too much political nonsense, too many uninformed opinions. I have found that there are plenty of people on here that post just to be contrary. We have people bashing things that they have no first hand knowledge of, copying pictures and post's here, re-posting in other forums all at the expense of legitimate helpful people that are just here to learn and maybe pass on a bit of information.

I still check in, but I don't post like I used to. There are way too experts that can't stand not putting their 2 cents in on every thing that gets posted.

I still value this forum, there is a lot of good stuff. I am just a little bit more particular about what I chose to read these days.

Bob V

Mar 13, 2008
Catalina 42mkII Lagoon Point
Ross, it seems like

you might have wandered into the bar while looking for the library. It's still open for business and offering both good and bad advice on a variety of sailing related subjects. As always, it is your responsibility to sort the wheat from the chaff just like in the real world.

I think this portion of the forum serves a valuable purpose by giving everyone a place to debate, bitch and whine without interupting the serious business going on upstairs.


Well said Ross in Tampa

If someone shares another persons ideology and moral values chances are their discussions here will harmonize. For me it became quite tiresome debating differing viewpoints where facts were ignored and nasty invectives were thrown about with vicious abandon. In this and the War Room forum it is not possible to have a civil discussion with someone that does not share your values.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
Sometimes discussions here become a lot like sibling quarrels and those never solve anything and usually serve to demonstrate who can yell the loudest or use the most words. If the words are not supported by fact and logic then a forceful delivery won't make them any better. Often there is not right answer but there can be totally wrong answers. If a person believes that they are able to advance the collective knowledge of sailing and boating I would hope that they have the strength to persist in the face of a few spoilers.



It appears to me that neither of these two forums, unlike the others, do anything to advance the collective knowledge of sailing and boating.


Sep 21, 2005
other 12 wet water
Re: Spoilers

I knew there was a reason they separated us from the general population. We aren't advancing the proper interests. Damn. The question remains however. Are we advancing anything at all? Aren't we suppose to be? If not, why not? Hmmmmm .....I'll have to look over the rules again. Has anybody seen where I placed them? I think Fred has them.

Keep it up,

Bob V

Mar 13, 2008
Catalina 42mkII Lagoon Point
That is the purpose of these two forums

They are the place for non-sailing related subjects. All of the other forums cover what you are looking for. A special place to discuss marine plumbing, one for sail controls, different forums for different models of boats, trailer sailors, destinations, site talk.

Does it bother you when you go to the public library that they have a bunch of stuff you would not be interested in or may even be offended by? These two forums are grouped under the heading "off topic". That topic is sailing. It's kind of like if I meet another sailor in the real world we may talk about subjects other than sailing. Nothing wrong with that is there?
Jan 11, 2007
Columbia 28 Sarasota
Re: That is the purpose of these two forums

You all have valid points. Like I said in my post, there is a wealth of knowledge on this board. The difficult thing is like another poster said separating the wheat from the chaff.

Any time I have posted a question, I have gotten good answers, and most of the time been referred to great websites that illustrate exactly what I am trying to do. This is very valuable to all of us. My post was a response to the original question. Yes, the participation is down from what used to be regulars. And the quality of the posts has, in my humble opinion, suffered for it.

BobV, you sound like someone I could enjoy a cold beer with. Keep it up.

Bob V

Mar 13, 2008
Catalina 42mkII Lagoon Point
Now is a good time to stop by for a beer Ross

You can get away from that horrible Florida weather for a few days and come on up to the opposite corner of the country. It turns out that all of the beer that I store in the garage is even colder than the beer in the refrigerator lately so there is plenty of it ready to drink.

Come to think of it we should probably have a hot drink if you stop by anytime soon. It looks like Alaska outside my window these days.
Jan 25, 2007
Cal Cal 33-2 cape cod
Like Blu-ray and regular DVD, the extra options and clarity isn't noticeable at first, it's taken time for me to come back, but I realize it's free information and advice, bottom line is whatever the format, as long as it's free I will be here. I have over a dozen cable channels, I can get skateboarding, surfing, skiing, snowboarding, fishing, everything except sailing, if I want an update of the Volvo Ocean race, I need to look online.