Interior Bulkhead Coating Question

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Jun 11, 2011
Catalina 1980 C27 Meinke Marina on Lake Erie
I replaced my main bulkheads on my 1980 C27. I plan to varnish the portion that you see but I did coat with epoxy the endgrain and the parts of the panel that fit up against the fiberglass liner. I forgot to coat the parts of the panel that are behind the chainplate. I'm wondering if I just varnish this area will that be sufficient to protect this area if a small amount of water gets in behind the chainplate? Or, I could put a small amount of caulking behind the perimeter of chainplate to eliminate water getting in behind it. I would just use epoxy but I have become sensitized to it and get a rash that is itchy and takes a week to go away if I use it. I have to come up with an alternative to epoxy. If I ever have to do any deck core replacement I'll be using polyester because of the sensitization. What would you do in this case?
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