
Apr 7, 2006
Any interest in trying to be in the neighborhood of Castine for the classic yacht race August 2nd?

Just a thought and a way we can spread the look of these beautiful boats- Ian is this the weekend you will be here?

Our oldest son is getting married the next weekend but as Cindy said all the damage will be done by the first of August so we should go sailing!

I know there are restrictions for some of the races (wood only) but I think we'd be eligable for some and who cares- the weekend would be fun.

Any thoughts?



Alden Forum Moderator
Jun 22, 2004
Alden 38' Challenger yawl Rockport Harbor
I'm game Jon.

Living in the bay. But that's usually the time we're off for a couple of weeks on the boat. Who knows, we have teenagers now so schedules are more flexible.

They do allow(and encourage) boats like our to enter the Classic race and I think it's always looking for more entries. The problem would be available dock space or moorings both of which will be in short supply. Same with Camden at the other end of the race. However, if any group can be put together, I may be able to arrange some sort place or anchorage to get together. It would be a great photo op.

This all sounds like a good idea to me.