Info on your latest H27

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May 8, 2004
Hunter 27 Bellingham, WA
Mr. Henderson.

I've had a number of Hunters and just this past year my wife and I decided to down size given our ages. We picked the Hunter 27 for daysailing and overnight cruising. It has taken a year to put all the pieces together but we are also looking forward to some fun sailing. Can you give any advice about the H27 (not X).

But I have also noticed that the boat has a list to port, perhaps a few degrees. I do have two AGM batteries plus all the other options that the factory could put on. Any suggestions here besides adding weight on the starboard side?

Other then that, thanks for the enjoyable Hunter years of boating.



Mar 15, 2009
2 216 St. Augustine

The 27 is small enough that crew weight can have a great effect on heeling. As any smaller boat try to keep more weight on the windward side. The 27 has a lot of hull form stabilty so she doesn't instanty yeild to wind punch. When she gets overpowered she will require reefing as it is difficult to coax her upright unless ample concentration is applied to helmsmanship. The 27 behaves well in a seaway for a smaller boat and will find a nice groove upwind as long as she is not stuffed too high upwind. Put as much personal gear on starboard side as possible to equalize heel. With the many option configurations, that is the best way to compensate.
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