inflatable repair

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Charles Vega

Just bought an used Quick Silver PVC inflatable that needs to be repair, can some one give me, name of chemicals, where to find them and procedure on how to do it....... thanks, charles


Rubber Ducks

Charles, First and formost is that you purchase a good PVC glue. I would not use any PVC glue that was not a two part system, ie glue and cat. DO NOT USE ANY PREMIXED GLUE!!! Next you need to clean the area to be repaired and, I am assuming that the seam is split? The area must be cleaned using MEK solution. Since it is difficult to get pure MEK I use Acetone which you can purchase at the hardware store and a large percentage of this solution is MEK. You will also need a 1 inch cheap bristle brush, good for small areas like seams. Cut the bristles back square until you have about a half inch left, like no brush at all! This will leave a stiff end. Now you are ready. If you are repairing a seam you will need to devise a way to hold the seams apart while you do the repair. Once you read the procedure you will understand what and why, how is up to you. Pour a small amount of acetone in a dish. Dip the brush in the solution then tap the brush to remove to excess.Dab it onto both sides of the repair area like your trying to gently drive the solution into the rubber. Let this set for five minutes and repeat two more times. After the last application, mix the Two part glue while the cleaner is drying. Follow the same procedure as with the cleaner, three applications with five minite drying intervals. Remember, Gently drive it into the rubber. Nice even light coats! Now comes the most difficult part. You have ONE SHOT to get the two parts together in the right alignment. once you press them together IT IS OVER! you WILL NOT get them apart. A little gentle pressure, I use a wallpaper seam roller, and the job is done. The biggest problem is holding the two pieces apart. Once the glue starts to dry it is not tacky so props works in some cases. Practice Practice Good Luck with your Duck, Charlie
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