I am curious...

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St Simon

I am new here so please don't flame me. I have read several questions posted on this forum, Catalinaowners.com, where the answer was simply to please post this question on the Catalina 25/250 National Association forum. What gives? Is this not a forum of catalina owners sharing ideas and answering questions? I would like to purchase an original owner's manual for my 25. I saw where someone else recently asked where they could find one and was told the same thing. They even provided a link. I followed the link to the 25/250 National Association and even found a link there for owner's manuals. This is not what I wanted. This is where someone typed out (portions I suspect) the owner's manual onto the website. Helpfull? Sure but it is not what I was looking for and not what the other poster asked about. So again I ask respectfully, Is this a forum for Catalina owners to share ideas and ask questions or not? Thank you, St Simon 1984 Catalina 25 SK SR, S/V Sarian


A better choice

I think you are right. This is a place to exchange information. However, I think that others are simply saying that there might me more info specific to a C-25 on the C-25 thread. I know that as a C-22 owner I have bookmarked this portion of the post so that I only get info on C-22 stuff. If there is a gereral question I will look at the gereral info thread. Juust my humble op. Art <)))><


Here's how to contact Catalina Yachts

I wanted an owners manual for the '75 C22 I bought last year. I phoned Catalina Yachts at 818-884-7700 and requested the owners manual. They mailed me one for FREE! Their web site is www.catalinayachts.com. I also have noticed that frequently people tell others to refer to archives instead of giving a straight answer. I have tried to locate certain things in the archives, and am not always successful, since maybe I'm entering the subject differently than it's listed under. All in all, this is a very good forum, and there are many pleasant people out there who are willing to share their knowledge.

St Simon


Thanks Mike and Art. I actually emailed them right before I posted. I figured they'd be closed today. I can't wait to hear from them. I wonder if they sell other replacement parts as well. My tiller is delaminating and I'll need another one once spring gets here. I'll give them a call.


Catalina Direct...

Catalina Direct has parts for about every model. I've used them for my 22" and have been very pleased. Enjoy your boat...

Trevor - SailboatOwners.com

Ask away!

Hi St Simon - By all means, please post any questions or input you have here on this site. When people respond with a link, they usually know of a place that already has relevant information elsewhere that might prove useful. However, we try to field questions as best we can right here on this site. So fire away, and hopefully we can help you! Best, Trevor


C25/250 National Association

"I have read several questions posted on this forum, Catalinaowners.com where the answer was simply to please post this question on the Catalina 25/250 National Association forum. What gives? Is this not a forum of catalina owners sharing ideas and answering questions?...Is this a forum for Catalina owners to share ideas and ask questions or not?" - St Simon Yes, this is a forum for Catalina owners and it is helpful, but when you are looking for a C25 specific answer, the best place to go is the Sailor's Forum at the C25/250 National Association website. I've been around both forums for a long time and I can tell you that the National Association forum can be very helpful because it is filled with knowledgeable sailors who know every inch of the C25 and answer questions very promptly, curteously, and in great detail. Additionally, keep in mind that this website is a for-profit commercial website and not really an offical Catalina organization that is recognized by Catalina Yachts. The C25/250 National Association is a nonprofit organization that is there due to the support of its membership, and as a fellow C25 owner, I highly recommend the association and its website to any sailor, and particularly to fellow C25/250 owners. And, as for your worries about being "flamed", I guarantee you won't ever get flamed at the National Association, it is just not that kind of forum. BTW, the C25 tiller can be found at many places. I bought a new one for around $50.00 from BoatUS.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
Use the Association Websites, too

St Simon Wow! Amazing how "right on" those replies have been. Thanks to Art, Mike, Trevor, Don and Mark. No need for you to feel hesitant. And welcome. You're no longer new. There are, as always in life, many different sources of information. Like dictionaries, encyclopedIas, and the internet. The C25/C250 Assoc. is VERY specific about their boats, as are ALL of the size-specific Associations. If there's anything one thing I can suggest to new boaters (especially with Catalinas): try them, too, if not first. But this is not a "short" answer. (Rarely is with me...) All it is are people who are trying, in posting their replies on this website, to help you by giving you a direct answer OR another resource. And, in many cases, the related links or other sources are more detailed, and requires less "re-typing" or pasting here, than would be necessary. The beauty of this resource is that it has related links. Thanks to Phil and Trevor and the rest of the folks who make this 'site work, it's best for you to be able to be pointed directly to get to where someone is pointing you to, and to HELP you. (Oh, my gosh, it almost sounded like I was saying: "Where're you AT?!") This forum has many specific AND general answers. Many of us will try to help you by suggesting that you try the more specific sources. Or use the archives. In real life, if you ONLY asked one person for advice, or only looked at ONE book for reference, you may eventually feel somewhat shorted, as compared to asking or reading around and getting many different and interesting references. Only then can you see the choices available to you, and then help you make up your own mind, based on what you need for your particular situation. You wote: "...owner's manuals. This is not what I wanted. This is where someone typed out (portions I suspect) the owner's manual onto the website. Helpfull? Sure but it is not what I was looking for and not what the other poster asked about." The "typed" manual you saw on the C25 site was either all there is, or there is more in detail, which would require you to "dig" deper into the C25/250 'site and ask THEM. They're a great bunch of sailors, and have a tremendous website. "Printer Friendly" sometimes works if it only looks like gobbledgook on the screen. Sorry it wasn't what you were looking for. But that isn't their fault or ours. "Have you called Catalina?" is a very repetitive answer here on this and other Catalina websites. For some bizarre reason, SO MANY people (who own Catalina yachts) forget that the strength of the Catalina boats is that the company is still in business and is a very valuable resource. They do not respond to emails. You need to call them on the telephone and get to talk to a real person. Don't get mad at them, they're busy building more boats, not playing on the internet. :) Sorry you didn't find what you were looking for. Just keep looking. Or ask them. Also: "Is this a forum for Catalina owners to share ideas and ask questions or not?" Yes, it sure is: all I'm saying is that there is not only one right answer for your, or anyone else's, questions. (To say nothing about our answers...) Go with the flow, and widen your horizons, we're all here to help. Stu PS We had a C25, #2459, FK SR (1981) for 11 years. Loved that boat, still do. Enjoy.


C25 Info

Click on the "Related Link" to take you to page 303 of the Boatus catalog where you will find a replacement tiller for the C25.

St Simon

Thanks again

Thank you for all the replies. I will get that tiller (and this time a cover) from BoatUS. I will also call the Catalina company on the phone to inquire about the owner's manual. I did not know there was such a big difference between the two sites. I will go there first with my questions from now on but will continue to lurk here. I also like to watch what's going on at The trailer sailer, traveltalkonline, and reef central among others. As someone mentioned, more opinions or ideas are better than one. Sometimes you have to ponder all of them and decide if any are even right for you. Fair Winds, St Simon
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