Actually, I learned how to sail on a Hobie 14. I find them to be sailed by the some of the most talented sailors.
As far as jet skiers and power boaters, their rights end when it infringes on the rights of other boaters. Since I’ve always sailed on small, trailerable sailboats, I typically sail in reservoirs, lakes, and bays. I’ve been cut off by power boats, ignoring the speed limits, and jet skiers recklessly racing by me too many times, ignoring boating rules and regulations.
I was once inside a harbor, sailing back to a visitor’s slip I was renting for a month. I was making a tack and a power boat come by at an excessive speed, cut right in front of me, I had to fall off to avoid collision. The passengers started laughing at me as they went by.
Crafts capable of excessive speeds, in the wrong hands, can be extremely dangerous.