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Tim Welsh


Hey Jim I can assure you boat U.S. knew what kind of a vehicle I was using and in arkansas no escort is required. But who do you think took the picture. And yes if you will look on the truck there were the red flags and oversize load sign plus a flasing yellow light. same with the not required escort. The trailer can stop faster than the truck with the six brakes on it and the arkansas state highway dept had my licsense # and approved it. Any more doubts about mine and my friends towing capabiltys feel free to ask. Oh yeah by the way the reason I was in the middle of the bridge. There is almost no shoulder on the bridge and the traffic was stopped so I could cross. I know you aren't supposed to stop traffic. they volunterally backed up when they saw me coming. I moved over for the picture. then back. Tim Welsh

Echo Gulf

Jim B

You seem to have missed my intent, I am well aware of what Robert was asking and what kind of traveling he was intending to do. I was in the exact same situation a number of years ago and ended up with the largest factory trailerable available at the time. I was not totally satisfyed with the handling or performance of it. What I have now (C27 on a trailer), meets my sailing needs perfectly and is fairly easily, safely, and legaly transported. My last trip was over 2000 miles, across prairies, over several mountain ranges through some steep, narrow and twisting passes as well as across several borders (not exactly the local trips you thought). In the grand scheme of things, permits are a petty annoyance. My intent, was to give Robert as much info as possible (as far as my experience permits)so that he can make an informed descission. I think the majority of the contributers to this forum do the same, it may seem like we're off on a tangent at times, but it is good info that may be provided more as general info to all responders/readers rather than just the original poster.
Feb 6, 2004
CAL 25 Salem OH
Mast 28

When we were at the Cleveland boat show in January we saw one of these. It is a German built "Mac 26x" style boat. 100% legal to trailer w/o any permits and by a much smaller vehicle. The are sold by the local Mac dealer up in Burton. Good luck with your decision. Bryon Thomas "Shore Leave"

Dana Barlow,C&C 30' Mega,trailersailor

Bryon,That's neat(mast 28) but a lot of bucks

I like that design,it has nice lines & gen. good set up. May sail much faster then a Mac26 too,but looking at the freeboard , you see the steps in the side that give some stiff to it if there not any ribbing ,same as Mac to cut cost,so why do they ask so much for it? Should sell for about $30,000 not $50,000+ I think,but then 2 cents wroth is about all I got now anyway!Thanks that is interesting!!


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