Hunter 290- leaks between hull & floor sole

Mar 17, 2025
Hunter 290 Lake
Any H290 or similar, owners have leaking issues where water gathers between the hull and floor sole where access or visibility is impossible? Water gathers in area under companionway steps and makes it's way to the bilge. There is no access to that area only a 3 in whole to look into. All thru hulls & sea cocks appear dry. Several boat owners have looked at my boat and no one can figure out how the water is entering, any experience with this issue or ideas?
Much appreciated.
Mar 27, 2021
Hunter 306 Lake Pepin
I have a possibly similar issue on my H306. I'm not sure about the 3" hole you mentioned, but If I'm otherwise understanding correctly, you're finding water accumulating under the floorboard access panel immediately foreword to the companionway? I've noticed this occasionally as well but not consistently.

I always just assumed it was drip water from the stuffing box since it anecdotally seems to be more noticeable after a bit of motoring. There are limber holes to port and starboard just aft of the motor which allows the stuffing box water to drain to the area under the companionway floorboard and then into the bilge. You might try temporarily plugging those limber holes and seeing if the accumulated water volume is similar to what you would expect to find under the companionway/bilge.

Another possible explanation is the transom hull/deck joint which other H306/290 owners have had to clean out and rebed with something like 3m 5200 sealant. Under power, the lower transom joint gets pulled under the water and submerged and any gap in the sealant will eventually result in leakage. If you remove the panel in the aft berth you'll be able to inspect the inside interior transom portion of the joint which will be stained if there is, or ever was, a leak.
Mar 17, 2025
Hunter 290 Lake
Thank you for the tips. I did plug the drain holes from the stuffing box so that is not it. The transom hull/deck join is a new thought I've never heard, but it does make sense, thank you. I have removed the back panel and no signs of water or stain though. I believe it's starting to point to a thru hull failure some how. One advisor recommends before hauling out, plugging all thu hulls while under water to try to isolate if that is the issue. If leak stops, remove plugs one at a time as a process of elimination. Might be worth a try.

The 3 inch hole I mentioned is a hole directly under the stairs and the floor drain from the onboard shower/bathroom and the manual bilge hose comes through and into the bilge. It's not visible till the teak floor panel is remove.

Thank you for your insights!