How to tie up to a cleat (or how NOT to lose your dinghy)

Jun 14, 2010
Robertson & Caine 2017 Leopard 40 CT
It’s probably safe to assume we all know how to properly tie on to a cleat. But it’s also safe to assume many of us think we know, but don’t know we could do it more securely than we generally do. Most of us will learn something if we watch this video, or find it useful to share for instruction purposes. (I’ve been sailing almost 60 years and learned from it.)


Feb 11, 2017
Islander Freeport 36 Ottawa
That's a good video. I was taught (and still use) the full wrap but also with a full figure 8 before the locking hitch. I like the demonstration of the small line on a big cleat and then how secure the multi-wrap is.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Sailing back to the Chesapeake
One thing I would like to see added to
That video is the other side of line thickness. He only showed correct size line/cleat sizing but what about too large a line for s cleat size?

I'd also like to see proper cleat work with multiple lines on one cleat. I've found myself often with a cleat being used for several lines attached to the same cleat. I've worked out ways to do that in my case, but it would be very interesting to see if there are more ideas on that.
