How old is my Javelin?

Sep 27, 2008
Oday Javelin at home
I have inherited a Javelin. Trying to figure out what year it is. Plate inside stern says: Hull No. 3227 Class No. 2538. Thank you!
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
I understand the Javelin iis a 14-foot dinghy designed in 1960 and built by the O'Day company until 1984 in the US. Over 5000 were produced. If your boat was manufactured on or after November 1, 1972 it should have a 12 or 15 hull identification number (HIN) that uniquely identifies the boat. On most boats the HIN will be located on the exterior of the hull on the upper starboard transom (upper right back). Then go to this link to decode it it determine the month and year it was manufactured.

Sep 27, 2008
Oday Javelin at home
I understand the Javelin iis a 14-foot dinghy designed in 1960 and built by the O'Day company until 1984 in the US. Over 5000 were produced. If your boat was manufactured on or after November 1, 1972 it should have a 12 or 15 hull identification number (HIN) that uniquely identifies the boat. On most boats the HIN will be located on the exterior of the hull on the upper starboard transom (upper right back). Then go to this link to decode it it determine the month and year it was manufactured.

Thank you for trying to help. this boat must be pre-1972 because the HIN is only 4 digits. I will try to reach out to the manufacturer directly.
Jun 2, 2004
Oday Day Sailer Wareham, MA
The fact that this boat has that metal plate with a HULL# and CLASS# on it tells you that she was built prior to the November 1, 1972 start of the USCG-Required 12-Digt Hull ID Numbers. So, you do not actually have an HIN (although States now issue HINs for older boats when you apply for a Title or Registration). HULL# 3227 CLASS# 2538 seems a little "off" since I think that HULL# should have one more digit (seems common that either the plates didn't get the whole Hull# stamped or it is just hard to make out) Hull# refers to how many total boats O'DAY had built (so yours appears to be the 3227th O'DAY built?) CLASS# refers to how many of that model had been built and would be the number displayed on your sail. So, you have the 2538th JAVELIN built. I'm suspicious of that HULL# because judging by the CLASS#, your boat appears to be a 1971 or early 1972 model (1972 O'DAY brochure boasts that "over 2145 Javelins have been built" and that would have, in theory, been based on total up to some time late in 1971) and my old 1969 WIDGEON was HULL# 22698 and would have been built about 3 years +/- before your Javelin. I think the HULL# on your boat must actually be between 32270 and 32279?? But, really the CLASS# is almost more important since, as I say.... that is the number used to ID your boat within the Javelin class and may be the best reference for the Javelin Class Association to determine the year.

I assume that your boat is the "newer style" JAVELIN, with the molded, self-bailing cockpit and enclosed compartment under the forward deck? Those were introduced in 1971, the earlier boats were all open bow to stern with a deck over the bow that was not enclosed and the seats were molded separate from the deck.

Interestingly, that 1972 Brochure lists Mrs. Daniel J. Reiber as the contact for the Class, and on YAHOO there is a Javelin Forum where the Class "Expert" is Dan Reiber! So, let me post a question there about this matter and maybe we can get an answer! Contacting the Manufacturer won't work, O'DAY ceased operations in 1989. Rudy Nickerson, who worked at O'DAY as their Parts Dept. Manager from 1973 to 1989 now runs a great shop supplying parts for our O'DAYs, D&R MARINE ( and he is quite an expert on O'DAYs, but this boat was built prior to his time at O'DAY and unfortunately, most of the old records of O'DAY are long since lost. It still might be worth calling him, (508) 644-3001.
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Jun 1, 2020
Oday Javelin Woods Hole
I am in process of getting a used abandoned Javelin as was described above;
the "newer style" JAVELIN, with the molded, self-bailing cockpit and enclosed compartment under the forward deck? Those were introduced in 1971, the earlier boats were all open bow to stern with a deck over the bow that was not enclosed and the seats were molded separate from the deck.

there is no serial number I can find on the transom.
did not find a yahoo Javelin forum but did find a ODay group I will also ask there.
Jul 30, 2019
Seaward 25 777 Fort St. James
It took me quite a while to find my O'Day 20 number. Layers of paint obscured it. Finally at night with a flashlight shining at an acute angle, I found it just to the right of the rudder pintles.
Jun 1, 2020
Oday Javelin Woods Hole
Thanks this is not painted just twenty years of mold.
now I know where to look.