How do I steer in reverse

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Feb 26, 2004
Hunter 38 Portland, Oregon
Pattern Here

I'm seeing a pattern here. I too have a new Hunter 38, and think it's a dream of a boat. However, it doesn't back anywhere near as nice as my old Catalina 34. I've started using the "pivot turn" which the 38 does superbly. (Pivot turn is rudder hard to starboardd and short alternating burst of reverse and forward, pivoting the boat clockwise on it's keel). The advantage of manuvering this way is that I can turn around completely and escape my narrow fairway if my stern misses the finger of my dock. When the boat budget allows, I'm going to try a Kiwi prop but I hope not to loose all of my prop walk-just some of it.
Oct 14, 2005
1983 Hunter H34 North East, MD
Bill's right...

about learning to use prop walk to your advantage. Docking port side to on my H34, I put the nose in at the dock so a line can be taken up slack on the port bow cleat. While it's being belayed, I put it in reverse and let the prop walk bring the stern in against the bow line's tension. Getting out of a starboard side tie-up is just the opposite. Double up a bow line on the starboard bow cleat, hold the boat in and let the prop walk take the stern out to clear the boat behind. Continuing to back in a circle, or right rudder in neutral to parallel the dock, then head off to port, making sure the stern doesn't tag the dock or a boat.
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