How close is too close to shore?


Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
Its pretty simple really, how deep is your boat and how shallow is the water at what distance off the shore. Once you've determined these things you can choose the rode necessary to anchor in that depth, being certain you don't swing into water shallower than your boat.
I have a special anchor for securing a line to a tree, should I need to Med-moor.
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Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
I once anchored pretty close to shore (Lake Michigan, so no tide), winds were cross ways to the shore. Light winds, 10 feet depth maybe, and 25 feet of chain/rode out.

I woke up in the morning, and felt the boat “bump” a little with every little wave…

I came out of the cabin, noted that the winds were now off shore, and the boat was stern to the shore…and 10 feet or so closer than when I anchored and went to sleep. I looked over the transom and could see the swirls and ridges in the sand below my boat! I was still floating, but a slight wave, and the keel would kiss the sand below.

I made breakfast, and then decided I could pretty much walk to the beach…no swimming required.

I guess I got lucky on that one. But I ALWAYS carefully select my weather window for anchoring out on Lake Michigan…

a north wind of any strength is no bueno for anchoring out at the south end of the lake!

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Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
All good answers but the best advice comes from the locals as they have th experience. If you are going into unknown anchorages, may I suggest additional gear to include:

1. Two heavier anchors with rode & chain
2 Chafe gear
3. Trip line to attach to anchor flukes tied
to a dedicated fender. To be used when
anchor holding fast to bottom
4. LED battery operated 360 degree lantern
to be hung on boom at night. Power
boat operators look straight, not up at
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