how bout the Dry Tortugas?

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steven f.

Some nice advise from the last letters about the lower keys, we are sailing down from charlotte harbor in May to the Tortugas than spending the month in the lower keys. Would love to hear from those who've done the trip from Tortugas to Key west. We are considering stopping at the Marquesas keys for a night. Is there an anchorage in that area for a 4'6" draft? Is it best to sail above the Isaac and Rebecca shoal to Marquesas or under them? Now for the kicker, has anyone with a mid-sized sailboat been to Flamingo? What kinds of draft are in the area. We've sailed the Everglades area for years but never to Flamingo, guess it's time to give it a shot.

Paul Mieszczenski

Be sure to dink in

Steven, You probably can't get too much closer to the island than just under a 1/2 mile unless it was calm and you picked your way in a little closer. the wind direction will decide about above or below Rebecca Shoal. You have enough water around the island to sail around it to get to a lee side anchorage. Be sure to get some good tide info. We had pulled the dinghy way up on the beach and went exploring for about 20 minutes; had to swim to catch it and that was after just seeing about a 10' nurse shark swim by. Granted nurse sharks are not normally agressive, but if the nurses are that big would you want to run into the local hammerhead? Even with that excitment, the dinghy ride inside Mooney Harbor was well worth it. The Tortugas are fabulous for snokeling and the fort is neat; sounds like a great trip. Enjoy, PM


Great place

I was in the tortugas 2 wks ago,comming across from houston to keys.your chart is not going to work if it is over 1 yr old.a storm cut of the orignal pass in.get with in 2-3 miles and call on 16 and there are plenty of people there to talk you in.its not hard,just a little different than it used to be.Its a great place to spend 2-5 days.bring ever thing you need since there is no warer there.I came to key west using the southern route,no probs.its easyer to aproach key west.almost forgot,have plenty of beer,you can trade 1 beer for 1 lobster or as many as you want!need any more info just ask------later Gene

steven f.

which pass??

Gene, which pass is closed? the one splitting Garden Key and Bush Key? The chart shows a passable channel from north to south but I've heard it is (has) shoaled in so it's closed now.

Steve O.


When I sailed to the DTs from Burnt Store in Oct. of 1999 the pass between Garden and Bush keys was shoaled over allowing only shallow draft boats through. But it's no big deal, you just stay to the west and approach between Lighthouse and Garden key, then anchor south of the Fort, plenty of water there, and barracudas too!



Take the south entrance,its ok.but like i said early,use 16 and call.I was very tired when i was there(no sleep 4 days).you can enter the harbor and drop the hook with in about 100 yards from fort.there is a real friendly ranger there and he will help you with any thing you need..
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