Houston To SanFrancisco

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Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
yup agree--whenye wants heat here there is desert 5 minutes away lol....no delta.....mexico is 30 min south,,,lol....only one bay fit for sailing in....mission bay is small...lol
oh yes--june gloom and may fray---lol 2 fullmonths of cold and yuk--lol we only get NICE from july thru november lol.....
Only point about the Delta is: you CAN get there BY BOAT! ;)
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
you guys are talking about San Diego California... right? I've been here forever and the nicest time to sail is...... anytime. But wintertime is especially nice because there isn't much fog and the temp is always mild. Never too hot, never too cold... mostly in the 60's...
Joe, except for two weeks ago when a friend who is visiting San Diego from chilly Chicago was amazed at the news reports that when it was all of 40 degrees the natives were hustling to put coats on their dogs! :)


Mar 26, 2009
1976 formosa 41 yankee clipper santa barbara. ca.(not there)
Zeehag: While we all know that there is no perfect place to be you really do not need to make out SD to be an ice box during the winter. The word for SD is mild. When you look around the rest of the US, So. Cal. is very nice. I mean how may of those "38 lows" do you have a year? Hell, it snowed twice in Houston this year too! <g>

monthly averages do not hit the actual temps in the area. look at the actual temps for the places you want to discuss--not the averages--is one thing when folks sound like a chamber of commerce advertisement and another when the REALITY comes out---LOL everywhere has pros and cons--the fact is that san diegos pros have been grossly exaggerated--LOL----does your average data quote the 4 times that san diego , december-jan 2008-2009 achieved 38 degrees during the storms we had?? does your average data show the daily actual diurnal temperature changes?? this is a desert, not a tropical paradise. in winter desert areas are nit necessarily mild. i realize there are areas in this vast nation where in the temps are below zero on a regular basis---doesnt mean i will voluntarily reside there!!
just dont go sounding like a chamber of commerce paid member when there are actualities you are not considering which are more common than not. i have resided aboard hwere 24/7/365 for more than 15 yrs...LOL...while i worked, while i played, and while i vacationed--LOL---reality is reality--donot sugarcoat it with coc bs...LOL...and donot quote averages when there really are high and low temps regularly here and never is it always 60 degrees at the water LOL..the water isnt always 60 degrees LOL..someone relocating to an area doiesnt want to hear the coc bs--they want to hear what the truth is---sugarcoating it is not reality but a delusion, especially if you reside in the area in which the coc bs is spewing forth from.....get real.
i do not sugar coat nor do i stretch the truth, as does chamber of commerce, to promote trade and exchange of money .
people relocating or considering relocation to san diego also want to know how many days per anum the entry to mission bay is not passable as the breakers prevent crossing into the channel....and how many dollars per foot the marinas charge for rent and how long is the waiting list for marinas.....many things that are not actually as they appear in the visitors packet...>LOL.
May 25, 2004
Hunter 260 Pepin, WI
I've lived in the Bay area, the San Diego area, and now in Minnesota. I've sailed all three. Chula Vista, where my house was had the mildest weather in the continental US. Average mean temperature difference of 5º between summer and winter.

June Glum, no wind until after 2 PM, Bah ! Try on the hard for 6 frozen months. Wool caps and gloves for the April launch, Wool caps and gloves for the Oct retrieval. Too hot and still to sail in July and August.

I miss going sailing every evening after work with maybe a light jacket and no mosquito repellent.
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