Holly sole sourcing?

Jun 17, 2012
C&C 35 MKIII Manitowoc, WI
This is Jim on SV SamiDog. She is a 2002 Hunter 356. I have a small bit of water damage at a corner to wall on the holly flooring. Hill I am a woodworker with a full shop…I would much rather purchase a new floor panel in exact match than trying o duplicate. I was hoping that maybe the original holly pattern veneer was available somewhere. If any sailors have experience with this-thank you.
Future advice for other sailors; if your boat has a few seasons on it and you use the onboard shower plenty…do a very closeup inspection of the silicone sealing bead between the shower stall wall and the shower pan…it could save you what I missed….
Jan 22, 2008
Hunter 34 Herrington South, MD
try a few of your locate wood stores, exotic lumber in Annapolis,MD had some in stock awhile ago
Jun 17, 2012
C&C 35 MKIII Manitowoc, WI
Thank you. And 1 more question; if any of you have a near same vintage Hunter as I do 2002-and you have successfully found an exact match for the holly floor veneer…I would be forever grateful for that source information.