HELP! Lost Water Cap

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Ed napoleon

Well, it's like this...Was filling the water tank, looked at the water cap, said to myself, " Geezze, that really should have a chain on it to keep it from going over the side" To make a long story short, the cap managed to get away from me and make a successfull break for it...No one seems to have a replacement, the local WM's solution is to replace the entire fill neck..Anyone have a source for a replacement cap?

Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
Runaway Cap..

..I would check some Marine Salvage stores. There is one large one in SoCal called Minney's Marine. Their phone number is 949/548-4192. Need some ID for them. Good luck. One would think they would be standard pipe threads.

Tom Lueck

lost water cap

Replacement water caps, fuel caps and Waste caps can be had at.....West Marine

Tom Lueck

lost cap

I forgot to put in that they have the new style caps... not so sure what you have...

Peggie Hall/Head Mistress

What size is it, and how many threads per inch?

Although deck fills are labeled 1.5", most are actually 1.5" barbed x 1.25" threaded. However, there are a few that really are 1.5 x you need to measure. Then count the number of threads per inch... Most older boats will have 16, while the only thing you can find on the shelves any more is 11--which is prob'ly why you can't just pick up a replacement from WM, B/US etc. I had the same problem on my own boat...the waste fitting cap--which cannot have a chain--went over the side. I finally had to replace the whole deck fill...NObody makes 11 tpi fittings any more, and NObody has replacement caps for 'em. That's the bad news. The good news is--I just happen to have found 2 "waste" fittings and a water fitting, along with 4 replacement caps while cleaning out what used to be my warehouse last week. They're gorgeous 316 investment cast stainless, and so are the caps, and the all have deck plate keys. If you want one of 'em, you can have it--and an extra cap--for the cost of shipping 'em from Atlanta to you. You'll still have a bunch of labor you'll be kicking yourself for letting happen, but at least it won't cost you $30 for a new fitting. Same offer goes to anyone else who needs a "waste" deck fitting. E-mail me and they're yours "while supply lasts."

Bob McDowell

Peggy, What's your emaqil address.

I had planned to replace my deck fillings this spring and would love to take you up on the offer. Bob McDowell

George Harris

did you find a solution?

Hi Ed- please keep me informed if you are successful in finding a replacement- I to am missing one on my 37C- my email address is thanks George Harris
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