Heavy barnacle attack on prop and drive shaft.

Oct 6, 2014
Hunter H380 Annapolis, MD
I have used a prop spray paint for barnacles for 30 years in the Chesapeake Bay. It is no longer effective. By winter haul out, clusters on prop are basket ball size. Any recommendations, spray or brush on.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
I just tried Crystal Prop this year and so far have been pleased with it. In the same vein as Prop Speed, but less expensive. Engough to do 2-4 props in one kit.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Someone in my marina said that after the you put on your Prop Speed or whatever you are using, to then coat that with Lanocote. That seems to work better to keep the barnacles off in the Chesapeake.

Sep 26, 2008
Hunter 340 0 Wickford, RI
1 year I had a complete and total failure of my prop spray. I use either Pettit PropCoat #1792 or Interlux Inter Zinc.

Not together, but I alternate every other year or so. It actually comes down to what I have in my paint supplies on the day I’m painting the bottom.
I have been using the same products, year after year but one year I got this:

The only thing I can attribute this failure to was, that year I really got into cleaning the prop. And bringing it back to showroom new shine. It looked marvelous but that is what I got in return.
So now, year after year, using the same two products, I have never had more than 5 or 6 barnacles on the prop and shaft.
Now My prep is, I scrape off any that are there and lightly sand the prop with 150 grit paper. Leaving a roughed up surface of the old paint, getting it almost down to the metal. But never seeing the shining bronze underneath.
It works for me.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Here's my prop after 8 months and 3400 nm using Crystal Prop. The last 2.5 months the boat didn't move. We were in a variety of waters, from freshwater to salt. I'm pretty happy with it.

Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
The variation from year to year is not surprising. Differences in temperature, salinity, the chemical makeup of the water (Mineral content) and use pattern could yield years of barnacle bonanza and vice versa. There are so many variables I think it's difficult to blame one technique or another.
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