Heat Exchanger problems

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Jul 29, 2010
Catalina C 30 Pocasset
Hello all, new to the Catalina group. I have a heat exchanger on a M25XP that may have a possible internal leak. What would be the symptoms if it were leaking internally? My engine temp has been a pretty consistant 170 180 deg. I have ordered parts through Keller Bros. Tractor in PA. but this may obviously be an expensive fix.
Thanks in advance for any advice on this


Mar 28, 2011
Catalina 30 Galveston Bay
If your HE were internally leaking I believe you would be losing engine coolant. I'm speculating that the anti-freeze side of the system is under higher pressure than the sea water side so the anti-freeze would drain from the system. Just speculation though, perhaps your anti-freeze would over flow from sea water entering the system?

My Universal M18 with the 2" HE runs at 165 degrees all the time, but I find that it builds up internal scale from sea water and I have to boil it out about every five years or so to keep it in proper operation. Also very important to change your zinc frequently. I change mine about every 90 days so that they never break off and plug the passages in the HE. This is less of a problem with the 3" HE from what I understand.

Hope that helps some, Dan.
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