H37C Need to Replace Turning Blocks

Aug 17, 2022
Hunter 37 Cherubini Seward
Yes, just purchased. Upgrading size wise from my Catalina 28. Definitely enough to keep me busy long into retirement. I will certainly be replacing the portlights as some are damaged and some are missing hardware. Have you found any issues with the two-clamp portlights versus the three-clamp ones? Great lead on the Amarine lights. Did you end up doing much retrofit for them?
Jul 27, 2022
Hunter Cutter 37 Philadelphia
The AMarine ports are 2 clamps versus 3. They have a drain the works when the surface they are mounted in is tilted back 15 deg as it is on the 37C.

I had them "professionally" installed with nearly no cut of the fiberglass. The installer was saving sealant. To his credit, the marina remounted them. BoatLife and Butyl tape worked well as a sealant.

The new portholes do not leak. The portholes have a solid feel when you close and latch them.

There are 2 size portholes on the 37C. AMarine only works for the smaller portholes. Of 12 portholes, 12 are smaller. I ponied up the $160 each for the larger portholes.

Somewhere online there were postings saying the plastic of the AMarine was not as good as the portholes available from the Hunter owners and suggested painting the outside of the portal and the covering ring. I did this.

Looks like AMarine raised the price to $70 for 2. I bought these for $60.

Feb 15, 2023
Dickerson Dickerson 41 Quebec Yacht Club
For foot block like that, I used a store for Rutgerson deck hardware. Many options See link here
They deliver across canada an usa.
Jul 27, 2022
Hunter Cutter 37 Philadelphia
Advantage of the Garhauer is that the holes match the original Kenyon holes. No need to patch the fiberglass.

I don't work for Garhauer but I'm happy with a new traveler I just received from them. My traveler is on the coach roof. To adjust the traveler when close to the wind required I ease the main or bear off. With a 5 to 1 rig and ball bearing blocks, adjustment should be possible without easing off. The width of the Garhauer rail is the same as the original Kenyon traveler. The 3 hasps on the traveler car should allow for a 5 to 1 mainsheet rig too. Cost was about $800.

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Jun 8, 2004
C&C Frigate 36 St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
Looks good Phila. I like that the Garhauer traveller extrusion is thicker too - the original used to flex a lot in the span that crossed the companionway. Just to be a pedant, I shall point out that the original H37C travellers were by Schaeffer.