H34 Compression Post

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Vinny Johar

I've just inspected the forward face of the compression post in a Hunter 34 I'm looking to purchase, and it was in fine shape. However, when I removed the teak just forward of the compression post, I found that the headliner had pushed down over the top of the teak piece which had put about a 1/8" dent in the headliner. I see the compression post is OK, but I'm a little worried about the beam (which is hidden by the headliner) that sits between the mast and the compression post. Is there a way, other then taking out the that bulkhead and things around it, to get a look at that beam? Could I drill through the headliner somewhere and get an idea quickly as to whether or not that beam has rotted? I would greatly appreciate any comments or suggestions on this. Thanks.

Eric linklater

I did this

I took the mast down first, then took the door to the head off. Most of the galley had to be taken out which was easier than I thought it would be. I also removed the aft support for the seat over the toilet. Once all the screws were removed, the bulkhead was loose enough at the bottom to be wiggled back away from the post and the post removed. I then pulled the wires back through inside. I used a large hole saw with a thick wrap of duct tape around the center drill bit to keep the saw from fumbling around in the hole. Just pick a hole saw that will be slightly smaller than the end of the post. I found my beam to be nothing more than mush and both ends of my compression post rotten 6-8" at both ends inside the teak outer layer. The teak was the only thing holding the mast up. If you want more details let me know. Eric Linklater "Worlds Away"

Jim Oursler

Compression post rot repair. Photo Forum Nov 12,

Allan Haddad has the whole repair process documented. If the yard does it, expect to spend $2-3000. Also, look on starboard side by main cabin bulkhead. Probably the teak shelf and teak extending below the shelving is rotted, as 34s list to starboard and water from mast wiring hole runs to there. Good luck. Lot of boat for the money. Jim in Dallas.. .

Jim Campbell

H-34 Compression

Suggest you have a Marine Surveyor with Hunter 34 experience check it out. There are 2 in your area, Art Johnson (410-658-3994) and Don Miller (410-643-8266).
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