H31 can she handle it?

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I live on a H31 and wondering how much this boat can take. I plan on crusing to the Bahamas in the near future and want to know if my H31 will take it. The boat is equiped well for me just want to know if anyone has been in heavy seas etc...thank's

Ray Chapman

Can you handle it

That depends on what you mean by handle it. I have a Hunter 310 and would nat be concerned in normal winds and waves. Over 30 knots and 12 foot waves it can be rought, but the boat will be able to handle it better than you. I speak from some experience having been caught out in a following and then beam sea going from Cape Fear to Charleston, SC. The forcast was for 15 to 20 but built to 30 to 35. It wasn't fun, but I was not in any danger. If you do not have any experience in heavy weather, I would suggest that you not try that type of a trip until you get some experience. I would also suggest that you look for a good weather window and select a good jumping off point. Your main concern should be the crossing the Gulf Stream. The word I have is that you never start with any kind of North wind. Someone with specific experience on going to the Bahamas can give you some better advice on the trip, but I would not worry about the boat. Good luck Ray
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
Ask Roger!

Steve: You should ask Roger & Susie Mummah. They made a trip to the Exumas last year and are going to the Bahamas this year in their H'31.

Roger Mummah

h31 to the Bahamas

Steve, Depends on what you call heavy seas. It's all about the weather, the seas and protection. Endless Summer (h31 #58) took us from Miami to Black Point in the Exumas, and back. We never challenged 12 foot seas, but we got bashed by really bad waves in a couple of anchorages. The trick is knowing where you can find protected anchorages. Endless Summer handled everything better than we did. We have a book coming out soon about our adventures. It is called "Cruising Endless Summer-Exumas" and it will tell you everything we did on our Exuma trip. I have a friend who owned h31 #1 and he went to the Abacos many times on that boat. In a couple of daze we will post the status of our book on our web site at www.cruisingendlesssummer.com Most of the boats we saw in the Exumas were in the 38-44 foot range, but we did see a Hunter 25.5 and we were a 31. The smaller the boat, the more careful you need to be. We plan to be in the Abacos from mid April thru mid July, aboard our great boat. You can email us directly at remummah@worldnet.att.net The h31 is a great Bahamas boat, especially if you have the shoal draft version. Hope to see you "out there" Roger and Susie Mummah s/v Endless Summer h31 #58

Tim Schaaf

South Pacific

Heck, some friends took a 31 to the South Pacific! I am not sure exactly what conditions they encountered, and it is true that they had some problems with their rudder, but they made it to New Zealand. Can't imagine problems with what you are proposing. Of course, the most important elements will be preparation of the boat, preparation of yourselves, and smart planning. The boat will do fine.

Richard Deep

Sturdy H31

Steve, I have a 1985 H31 that has seen a lot of rough weather and seas here on the West Coast. Typical SF Bay summer conditions are 25+ knots of wind. Outside the Gate, swells are 8-12 feet with seas of 4-5. Two things I've noticed. First, she'll get over powered quickly above 25 knots. Reef early and reef deep! Second, esp under power, she tends to "bash" though the square waves. So you have to really hand steer a lot in heavy seas to make sure you're sliding off the waves. Otherwise, the boat takes quite a beating. But she has held up well and has never failed to deliver me safely home! Good luck, and let us know if you go. Richard


Been there done that in H31

Our H31 has been to the Bhamas several times from Central Florida. Some tips: Pick a good weather window, motor across if necessary, know the good (protected) anchorages before you go. Don't force yourself to sail in heavy weather if you're not comfortable. Boat will be fine, just be prepared as best you can. Shoal draft is nice, but not required. Good luck and have fun!
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