H240 & trailer weight?

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Bryan A.

We are about to purchase our first sailboat, an H240. Does anyone know the weight of the boat and trailer? I want to ensure I have sufficient towing capacity in my vehicle.

Ed Knebel


The 23.5 trailers weigh 1500 lbs, I don't think that they changed the trailer much. The 240 is posted as weighing 2300 empty, for a total of 3800 lbs. Remember that is empty. I used to tow a 23.5 with a van rated for 4000 towing capacity. I would only tow for 15-30 minutes, had the acceleration of a semi-truck, never had to panic stop, proably couldn't have. If you plan on long trips, most recommend you stay within 60 % tow capacity(3800=6500 tow capacity).

Rick Webb

Good News, Bad News

The good news is that Im pretty sertain the 2300# figure is with the ballast. The bad news is you probably have 1500# of stuff on the boat that meust be figured in. What do you tow it with?

Paul Jordan

From the 240 Owner's Manual...

I quote verbatim, re, weight of the 240: "Displacement (without ballast) 2300 pounds Water Ballast (full tank) 1300 pounds" This means the total displacement (or weight, if you prefer) is 3600 pounds for an EMPTY boat. Don't forget to add the weight of the outboard (100 lbs or so for an 8 hp ??) and other "stuff" on board for trailering purposes. I was told by the dealer that the trailer weighs about 1500 pounds, but frankly, at this point I take just about everything he says with a grain of salt. I think a good "guestimate" for total trailering weight would be 5500 pounds.

Rick Webb

I Stand Corrected

I was going from memory on my 23.5 which is 3000# full and 2000# empty I think I was told the trailer is 1000# the trailer axle I believe was rated at 3500# I do not remember the weight rating of the tires 2000# each I think. So I think after we put all of our stuff on the boat it is about at the max if not over. 5500# seems a little on the high side but if you are ready for that kind of a load I think you are all set. I am really starting to think about adding that other axle now that I look at the numbers. Next time I have the boat out of the water I am going to have it weighed. By the way I tow mine now with a 99 Gran Marquis and before with a 85 Gran Marquis. They both do fine. Bryan, what are you planning on towing it with?

Dave Condon


Brian; Mr Jordan is correct to add weight for the trailer, motor, misc. gear and so forth; however let me explain. You want the weight of the boat on the trailer. The boat is appx. 2300 pounds dry sitting on the trailer. The trailer is about 1000 and by the time you add the motor, etc., you are towing about 3500 pounds dry weight. Crazy Dave


Tow mine with a V8 truck

I have had my 240 for a couple of months. I have a Toyota Tundra V8, which pulls the boat and trailer easily. I just returned from a trip from the Florida Keys (~700 mile round trip). The truck handled the load fine at 70 mph. If you're on flat roads most of the time you probably won't need a V8, but it will help a lot when you pull the boat out of the water at the ramp. I find that steep ramps require a lot of power to get the boat out far enough to dump the ballast tank.

Bryan A.

Thanks to All!

Thanks to everyone for their information and feedback. I have an Explorer and am having a new hitch installed. The new hitch has 6000 lb. capacity, so this should cover it. Again, thanks for all the assistance. Bryan

Jon Bastien

Double-check your Explorer's manual...

Bryan, The rating of your hitch isn't the only thing that's a factor here. I used to drive a '91 Explorer, and its drive-train could only handle 2500 pounds towing weight. If your engine, transmission (get a tranny cooler!), and differential aren't strong enough to tow the weight, you'll be looking at major problems down the road. Double-check that manual! (I ended up buying a new truck so I could tow my boat safely.) --Jon Bastien H23 '2 Sheets to the Wind' (about 3000# on the trailer) H25 'Adagio' (Trailer? Yeah, right...)
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