H23.5 electrical shock

Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Calgary, Canada
I thought it strange that touching to stern rail completed some sort of circuit, but today I realized the lifelines join the stern rail to the pulpit, which might be integrated with the forestay chainplate, which is attached to the mast, etc.

I'd like to entice a power boat to this area to see if they get a shock without a mast! (that has some interesting possibilities, eh? ;-)

I'm heading back to the city for about 5 days so no tests for awhile.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA

I urge you not to bother going there my friend. Anything can happen around water where there is the slightest of current is in the water and that is not a natural phenomenon. I still say the tower is leaking charge into the water due to a failure and suggest that you be vigil making the power company inspect those towers as it would behove them to do so.


Jun 8, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Red deer, Alberta
Very interesting Rick, Might want to talk to Trans Alta or Alta link, or even look for a number that is on the dam where the power generating thing is. If something crazy were to happen, like loss of life from electrocution, I don't think Trans Alta or Alta link want to be liable for that.
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Calgary, Canada
When we first starting sailing on the lake in 2002, those power lines looked very low on this (north) side of the lake, and we were afraid to sail underneath them. The south side is much higher. I called the dam operator to ask if they knew the cable height. They said that Trans Alta owned the lines and they had no information. I imagine Trans Alta still owns it all so I'll contact them. Hmmm, what if they get (over) paranoid and close down the lake for all recreational use??? Yikes!
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
I think plenny has got it.. That much voltage is strange behaving stuff.. and just being there in the flux area can induce enough volts to be felt.. Rick, do ya know what the "Authorized Clearance" number for the line crossing is? Should be listed on a chart of the lake. I think I'd just stay clear..
on the other hand, maybe ya could make a battery charger with one plate in the water and one on the mast and a rectifier?? or maybe it is trying to get there by being a rectum fryer? :yikes:
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Calgary, Canada
I thought of a new test, so I went under the power lines in the middle of the span which of course is the lowest point of the cables and far from any towers. I could detect the shock there; the strongest felt yet. Then I moved a little bit out from underneath the power lines, only a few boat lengths, and no shock. As several of you suggested it indeed seems to be induction in the mast and not from ground leakage near the towers.