Give a Newbee advice

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Michael Shomate

Ok, so I'm taking delivery of a new MacGregor 26X in two days...any advice?


General Advice

You didn't say if this is your first boat of this size or not. Reguardless, first thing I would do is have the vessel checked by the Coast Guard to make sure that you have all required equipment on board. This varies from vessel to vessel according to type (power or sail) and length. If you haven't sailed before I would recommend that you join a local sailing club and take lessons in a smaller craft first and work your way up. An out of controll 26' boat can cause many thousands of dollars damage when in an anchorage or at the docks. Insurance is a MUST. Also get towing insurance, it can save you a very big bill. Practice raising and lowering the sails at the dock. Taking in sail and raising it should be second nature. You need to know where every sheet and halyard is and exactly what it does. You know where the brakes on your car are and you don't even think when you use them, The lines on your boat should be the same way. Make a checklist of every step needed to launch and get under way and practice it over and over. Role play in your mind any emergency you can think of, what do you do in a sudden gust of wind??? What do you do when someone falls overboard??? You need the answers to these and many other situations to be an informed reflexive action. Can you right the boat in the event of a knock down??EVERYTHING AT SEA IS SAFETY RELATED!!!!!!! Don't take short cuts and don't comprimise on anything. Do it right or don't leave the dock. Once you get past all that you are ready for a REALLY great time. Sailing is my valium, I love it. Leave your preconceived ideas at the dock, sailing is like sex, the first time is not at all what you think it is going to be like but it can be a life long love. Happy sailing, Mike


Get ready for wiring ! ! And...... read up on your marine wiring. The Mac is a great boat and I love MY 26x dearly......but you will need to add an electrical panel(6 aux connections min) and battery with 1/2/both/off switching. This will make it possible to add your depth sounder,bilge pump and vhf radio which I find ESSENTIAL for safe sailing. You will also be able to charge both batteries while motoring and dedicate (1) battery for house and (1) for starting loads. I mounted the second battery and switch panel in the existing battery area. I added another panel adjacent to the existing. Don't run ANYTHING without a dedicated FUSE and you will make out just fine. happy sailing.....dan

Brian Peters


Michael, ive been considering a mac 26 for ...well...for years ! I just met with Scotts Yachts on Mem day and he told me he delivered a 26x to Norman the day before..i guess that was you. Need any crew ? LOL I would like to actually go out on one before i throw down 24-25K. I do all my boating on Norman. call me if you like 800.884.0014 Brian Peters, would also be int in the options you selected, and actual cost of boat
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