Genoa (Generator) Hunter 306


Apr 8, 2021
Hunter 306 Halifax
Hi fellas
I have a 2002 Hunter 306
Has anyone tried a Genoa or (generator: 150 or 165 on their boat?
If so did you have to install extra winches?
I am wondered if the cars and existing winches could be used with a sail so large. I plan on purchasing an asymmetrical with sock or a generator(Hunter 306) and I am looking for options. I am leaning towards to asymmetrical but welcome any advice. I Like the generator but I wonder if the boat will be able to point with a sail so large.
thank you in advance for you assistance and advice. I will post pics of my setup when I get set up.
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
.........If so did you have to install extra winches? I am wondered if the cars and existing winches could be used with a sail so large............. I plan on purchasing an asymmetrical.with sock ........... I Like the generator but I wonder if the boat will be able to point with a sail so large..................
Welcome to the forum!!

Lots of great questions. You may be able to use existing cars with a generator. You can use existing jib winches with turning blocks on each side of the stern as far aft as possible to existing jib winches with a asymmetrical spinnaker. A asymmetrical will sail on a beam to a broad reach. A sock is excellent for deploying and dousing it OR you could consider a top down furler with continuous lines routed to the cockpit to deploy and douse it from the cockpit just as you do a fuling jib. A 150-165% generator will sail at all points of sail from close hauled (usually about 30-40 degrees off the wind) to a downwind run. Post #18 and others posts in this thread describe how to run geneoa sheets: Genoa lines | Sailboat Owners Forums Please let the forum know what you decided and why and how the sheet set up worked on the sail you selected.
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May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
so i go to their web sight. they say good to 12 knots of wind. apparent? true? we will assume apparent which works out to maybe 8 true. their whole sales pitch and the name talks of sailing in very light winds. very limited usage in the real world i think.

my old alden will sail up to 45deg true wind, using jibs, up to 155% genoa. let's remember that we increase app wind driving to weather,

on my old alden my Aspinnaker will sail from 60deg true wind.
on my old alden my spinnaker will fly from 80deg true wind.

the symetrical is way faster than the Asymetrical.
the Asail is easy to fly.
the "generater" (i hate marketing wizards, hate the name) has a very small use range, very light winds and once your in the 60deg true wind zone the Aspinnaker will be faster. remember, your jibs will work fine in 6mph app.

on modern racers they just use Aspinnakers, they are that fast.
on modern cruisers the aspinnaker is easy and faster off the wind.

so, your jib will work to weather in about 3 to 4 knts of true wind, in a beat. at 60degs of true your Aspinnaker will work all the way to deep off the wind.

I vote Aspinnaker. the generater has a very limited work zone.

those MBA's, always trying to sell us stuff we do not need.
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
jon hansen............thanks for the analysis as I will keep that in mind if I consider a large genoa or decide on asymmetrical spinnaker on my Hunter 46 (flew one on my Hunter 386).
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Apr 8, 2021
Hunter 306 Halifax
so i go to their web sight. they say good to 12 knots of wind. apparent? true? we will assume apparent which works out to maybe 8 true. their whole sales pitch and the name talks of sailing in very light winds. very limited usage in the real world i think.

my old alden will sail up to 45deg true wind, using jibs, up to 155% genoa. let's remember that we increase app wind driving to weather,

on my old alden my Aspinnaker will sail from 60deg true wind.
on my old alden my spinnaker will fly from 80deg true wind.

the symetrical is way faster than the Asymetrical.
the Asail is easy to fly.
the "generater" (i hate marketing wizards, hate the name) has a very small use range, very light winds and once your in the 60deg true wind zone the Aspinnaker will be faster. remember, your jibs will work fine in 6mph app.

on modern racers they just use Aspinnakers, they are that fast.
on modern cruisers the aspinnaker is easy and faster off the wind.

so, your jib will work to weather in about 3 to 4 knts of true wind, in a beat. at 60degs of true your Aspinnaker will work all the way to deep off the wind.

I vote Aspinnaker. the generater has a very limited work zone.

those MBA's, always trying to sell us stuff we do not need.
Thank you for the advise
I think you are right, the “generator” has a very limited range of use. It’s biggest asset may be its ability to be stored in a small bag.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I am with @jon hansen on this idea. Welcome Dan to the Forum. Congrats on your boat.
With a sailing location like Nova Scotia, I suspect you see a fair amount of breeze up there. Looking at my suit of sails, the decisions are money, sailing weather, boat usage, and compatibility. Not necessarily in that order, but all are interconnected.

The "Generator" is a new name to me. There are a lot of new marketing names used to distinguish the product in the market place. The one identified here would have limited usage on my boat. I try to get maximum usage out of the gear I buy of the boat.

Here is an interesting link discussing different sail types for different uses on a Catalina 36. The descriptions and the chart of their applications on a boat might help to guide your decision for your Hunter 306.

In my waters and based on crew skills I selected an Asymmetrical for my light wind sail. I found that the specific cut did (in light wind) get me to sail at about 75 degrees to the wind. Better than I expected. As I pulled further off the wind (below 90 degrees) the sail found it's zone and I was very happy with my purchase.
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Apr 8, 2021
Hunter 306 Halifax
Thank you for the advice. I was and still
Am leaning towards the gennaker and sock. We usually have 5-15 knot winds here. The reason I was thinking a larger jib (Genoa) style sail is i sail (and race) In a Halifax harbour, it’s a large harbour that has lots of ship and sail boat traffic along with islands and tall building which cause interupted and swirling wind. Someone told me that an asymmetrical can be a bit of a pain in those conditions due to it taking time to fill with air and needing adjusting. But I like that I can quickly douse and deploy the gennaker and jib back and forth as required. I think the generator (Genoa with another name) would lead to poor upwind performance and pointing. I could not quickly do a sail change as I have a furler and in a 1-2 hour club race I would lose more time that I would gain in speed. I am hoping my logic is right :)


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Dan, If in light winds and wishing to point higher, the Code 0 might be an option. You can install them on a top down furler and be ready to fly as you need.

A particularly nice racing option.