Furler line location

Oct 28, 2018
Hunter 31 Duncan Bay
I am adding a jib furler to my Hunter 31 (1986). I am debating the best location for the furling line. If I run it under the cowling with the other lines to the cockpit, it would have to pass over the cabin and seems it would rub in addition to being under foot.
If I run it along the toe rail, it will be out of the way, but not as convenient.
Pictures or descriptions of where you all have placed them would be appreciated.
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
Mine was already placed when I purchased the boat. There are several of these

and the line runs just outboard of the stanchions on the port side.
Oct 30, 2011
Hunter Cherubini 27 Mason
I have the same thing as rgranger except mine run on the starboard on the inside of the stanchions' and the fairlead is a double . Boats a 1984 Hunter 27
Oct 27, 2016
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Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
With any Furler, make sure the line is not chafing against the opening of the furling drum.
The photo that Rgranger posted, I installed originally. Two comments. Make sure it is tight and bend off/ tape any major excess so it is not protruding out hurting anyone or anything.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
You can run it to either side but that determines which side the sunbrella cover portion of the jib/genoa will be on and the face of the furling drum will be too so the furling line will not chafe.