forum etiquette

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Dec 7, 2012
I have a pretty general question about starting new threads.

I have been mostly reading and learning but have also been posting a few questions here and there and have been wondering if it is preferable to start new threads every time I have a particular question or just continue to reply to previous threads (made by me) and ask new questions that way. I notice some people do that and some start new threads for every single question.

I'm doing a full rebuild of my boat, and I will have a lot of questions on a variety of topics. But they will all be regarding this one long term project so I'm looking for some advice on what people here prefer/ what is acceptable practice.

Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
It never hurts to begin a new thread unless something gets lost as a reference from a previous one. The only suggestion I'd make it to be careful in which forum you post as not everyone reads them all so generic questions should go in the Ask All Sailors forum.
Mar 20, 2012
Cal 34-III, MacGregor 25 Salem, Oregon
if its a new question on a different subject, a new post would be correct..... if its another question pertaining to the same project and item as your previous post, then adding it to that post would be about right.... unless lots of time has gone by.
but double postings, or the same question posted with a different header is irritating and wrong

like your post title says, its about forum etiquette and not forum law, ( Moderator edit: but they will if you post something like what WAS posted here and now deleted )
there is a good write up on forum rules and etiquette on the site somewhere which is very informative and interesting.... after reading it and then scrolling the forums, it makes you wonder how few people have ever read it....;)
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Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
One technique that many of us find helpful is to use LINKS, either to earlier or parallel discussions or other references.

The "How To" guidelines are stickies at the top of each section when you post a new topic.

The concept is to maximize information transfer. Using a useful "header" is helpful, too.


Dec 7, 2012
Thanks for the replies! I appreciate you guys clearing that up for me.

I really like the idea of using links...I will definitely be using them to clarify my posts.
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