Flex-O-Fold Propellors for a 460

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Bob Polk

Has anyone had experience with the new 3 blade Flex-O-Fold prop. The designed claims it can back up as well as a feathering Maxi-Prop and he thought that some were installed on 450s.

Rod Leonard

Flex O Fold

I have the two Blade on my 45' I can't say enough good things about it. NO! prop walk in reverse. I motor at 3000 - 3200 rpm's 9 -9.5 But does pull hard to port in forward.

Ron Cousino


I also have the two blade model on my Legend 37.5 with out a doubt the best addition I have added to this boat. In forward at the same rpm with the fixed 2-blade picked up an additional 1/2 knot in speed. in reverse it backs straight without any prop walk and needless to say considerable improve-ment in performace under sail.

Bradley Cavedo

Flex O Fold

I have the 17" wide blade two blade on my P42 and it is great, no question. But they need to make an 18" version for bigger boats and they don't. Maybe the 3 blade is the answer. Did you talk to the designer at Annapolis? he was there.

Mark Johnson

How do they compare in price....

to autoprop and maxprop?
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