I think that mod could be done easily, but talk to a sailmaker about it.
When I bought my boat I knew the sails were on their last year or two of serviceability. While I wanted new sails I knew that the boat and rigging needed work before a new suit of clothes could be raised on her. I needed to repair the sails enough to get a couple of years use till I would be ready for new sails.
I have worked with three lofts in the Seattle area.
Within 90 days of boat ownership, I enjoyed my first sail repair experience with SV Hadley. The loft was with the Ballard Boys in Seattle. A friend took me and my aged main sail to their shop. They identified the sail cloth as near the end of it's life. Made several repairs for minimal cost and had the sail back to me in a week. Good Service, Solid repairs to an old tired sail. Got me out on the water and sailing the boat. Sail lasted 3 years, then I replaced it with a new sail. Very skilled racing reputation.
Sail construction for inshore, coastal and offshore sailboats.
End of year 1, I could see my Genoa needed the sun cover restitched, I called Ballard Sails. They were swamped. No time for 3-4 weeks to even examine the sail. This was winter and I knew that such a schedule would affect my spring sailing plans. I found Schattauer Sails just down the street. Old building, great loft. Old school trained. Lots of experience, and hands on old school sail skills. Took them 5 weeks to schedule and do the work. Did a terrific job. Showed me how the sail was worn out but serviceable. Installed a new Sun cover. Added sail patches where needed. Repaired leach line and returned to me a sail that was ready for the wind and a few more years of sailing enjoyment.
As the 2018 cruising season came to a close I decide to bite the bullet and replace my main sail. I check with both the previous lofts but got less then strong interest. They were busy and when asking for a quote, there were delays and high numbers being suggested. I went to the Boat show and visited with all of the sail lofts offering their skills. I got quotes started with 3 of them. I had heard of Carol Hasse Sails in Port Townsend. So I called Port Townsend Sails. After several attempts I finally spoke with someone. While the quality and reputation of Hasse Sails are stellar, the price tag was beyond my pocket book. If I was planning to passage across the Pacific or around the world, the investment would likely be well spent.
North America
When I returned to reality, I decided on North Sails. I liked the approach of Jack Christiansen the Loft manager. We arranged for him to visit my boat and do a measurement of the boat and rig, before putting together the quote. We discussed my sailing plans, expectations of my sails, racing or cruising, how long I might be the boats owner. Some questions were tougher than others to answer, but together they gave him the information needed to put a package together. The pricing was favorable. Within the range of the other boat show quotes, but more tailored to my boat and needs. He was clear that the Genoa was also in need of replacement, but the main was more urgent. He suggested a couple of year plan to overhaul the sails and perhaps add an Asymmetrical. He had read my mind or somewhere in our discussion I had given him the plan. I received my Main sail in the spring of 2019. I was very pleased with the work and support. I ordered the Genoa and Asymmetrical sails that fall for delivery spring 2020. In time for the Spring shake down cruises and preparation for my 360 Vancouver Isle cruise. The sails arrived on time, sadly so did Covid which dashed the Big cruise plans.
All the lofts were good to work with. While you want to go to someone you find and trust, sometimes you need to be flexible and go with the folks who have time to devote to you and your needs. All three are worth your time to contact and discuss your needs about your Genoa and how it might be reshaped to meet your sail needs.
Good luck