First 285

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I would like to know if the Beneteau First 285 have been builted in the US or in France. In fact my question is: Do i have to pay the french duty if my plan is to buy it in the US (i am from Canada)??? Thanks for the INFOS Bryan Canada
May 24, 2004
Beneteau 285 Oriental, NC
US, I think

My 1990 Beneteau First 285 was built in the US, I believe. I have been all through the documentation, and everything is consistent with the factory in Marion, SC.

Brian Davis

First 285 Questions

I have a 19910 285 and have been searching for someone I can talk to about a series of questions I have on the sail plan, water system, and sailing tips. How long have you had your 285?
May 24, 2004
Beneteau 285 Oriental, NC
2.5 years

I have owned Blue Ace for 2.5 years. Been doing a lot of maintenance to get her in shape to be proud of. Long way from bristol, but not bad. I have been into almost every system on the boat during this time... By the way, I have gotten a lot of good advice from this site... Also from the archives. Hopefully, you will too.
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