Extended anchor roller for 311

Jan 12, 2016
Beneteau 311 Seattle, WA
Hi Jerry,
I know we exchanged a PM as well, but just in case others are looking, per another thread that I think I started (or participated in) I was looking too.

I contacted Garhauer a couple of days ago to see if they can make a custom one, since none off the shelf would fit in the space allowed. I will post again when I have an update, hopefully soon!
Nov 1, 2017
Hunter 28.5 Galveston
@Catsail ,

Good morning! Steve's advice is perfect, just make sure it's not one of those cases where you buy the extension, install it, and feel accomplished until you back away from the boat to take a look at your handiwork just to find it looks like a weird piece of metal jutting out from the bow like a wanna-be jib boom. That happened to a friend of mine and we ended up having to remove it, take it back to the shop and order a different one that didn't look wonky.
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Jun 9, 2004
Catalina 320 500 Stockton, Mo.
Have you checked out the Mantus Anchor Mate on their website? It seems a bit pricey, but certainly looks good. I might go for that on my Cat 320.