Exhaust water flow


Jul 29, 2018
Telstar 28 Buzzards Bay
I am assuming that you do not want to connect the band to the rubber exhaust hose because it is a thermal insulator, and it would take a fairly long time to show an increase in temperature. Personally, I would want to mount it to the metal exhaust elbow after the water injection but on mine, that is only 1 5/8" and the specs say 2" minimum on the band. :facepalm:
Rubber as a thermal insulator is a bit strong - rubber has an R Value of about 1 per inch, 1/4" of rubber doesn't hold back heat for long. Putting it on metal would be better but not a big difference.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
The product description says it works on metal or flexible exhaust hose from 2" to 8" in diameter.
Apr 22, 2011
Hunter 27 Pecan Grove, Oriental, NC
We are all told to check the water flow out the exhaust when we first start the engine. Detecting a pulsing sound of water in the exhaust system is proof that water is passing through the exhaust and is a good way to check water flow when we are not able to see it leave the boat.
Years ago, motoring near Trinidad, I suddenly heard a change in the sound of the exhaust. Turned out to be sea weed that had clogged the raw water through hull.
If you are curious about trusting your ears to notify you of a problem with raw water flow, have a crew member close the through hull for a few seconds while motoring. The impeller will not self destruct in that short of time.