Exhaust system

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Sep 26, 2011
Pearson P33 Mt Sinai, NY
I recently repowered my Pearson 33 with a rebuilt from Moyer. I discovered that my real issue was back up of raw water into the exhaust manifold (expense lesson!). I have removed te original double walled copper exhaust with a old Catalina 27 design. Which is galvanized pipe in an upside down U with the raw water feeding into the downside of the U farthest from the manifold. I now have about a 6" rise from the start of the exhaust hose until the through hull on the transom. I am concerned that I may still have backwash into the manifold at shutdown. I would like to hear if anyone has a similar set-up and what if any issues or solutions existed.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
What you need to do is install a vented loop in the raw water discharge line before it connects to the exhaust riser.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Your Greatest Protection .........................

........... against any backwash from waves or a following sea, is a large loop immediately before the exhaust through hull.

On our H310, the loop rises about 36" above the exhaust through hull. It would take one hell of a scary wave to drive the water that high up the exhaust hose and deliver enough water volume to fill the water muffler and from there back into the exhaust manifold.


Jan 6, 2006
Beneteau 423 Mt. Sinai, NY
You exhaust does go from the engine into a muffler prior to exiting the boat?
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