Exhaust elbow rust

Mar 12, 2008
Hunter 27 Lake mead marina
So the other day, exhaust filled my cabin. It appears the the exhaust elbow has rusted. Has anybody had this happen to them?
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
Looks like the joint cracked off just above the exhaust outlet.. The thing has a left handed thread on one end and a right handed thread on the other (I don't remember which is which) so it is not common. The Yanmar part number is 104214-13580, and costs about $40. Best to get an outlet gasket (part # 128370-13201about$8) and pull the outlet to get at the part that is stuck in the threads.. Good Luck


Jan 22, 2008
Hunter 37-cutter Richmond CA
If it makes you feel better everybody has had it happen to them, if they have been doing it long enough.
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Dec 14, 2003
Hunter 34 Lake of Two Mountains, QC, Can
If it broke at the nipple then chances are the U-elbow is probably towards the end of its life. Get a new one, a nipple and a gasket and as per Kloudie's suggestion remove the outlet to make it easier for yourself. You can use Yanmar or get a stainless steel one from HDI Marine. HDI sells it complete with the nipple.
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Mar 20, 2004
Hunter 356 and 216 Portland, ME
I'll second the recommendation for HDI; great service, beautifully made parts, longer life and MUCH less expensive than Yanmar
Dec 19, 2006
Hunter 36 Punta Gorda
Yes I had the elbo come apart from rusting so bad and replaced the whole thing.


Jan 6, 2006
Beneteau 423 Mt. Sinai, NY
If it gets to the point it is at, time to replace the entire thing. Just my opinion of course......
Sep 15, 2013
Catalina 270 Baltimore
Yes. And it always rusts out from the inside. It made a disgusting mess in my engine compartment from a 1/4 inch hole. Four years later I am still finding black spots that need cleaning. I replaced the entire mixing elbow. It was hard but straightforward work. Once I pulled out the old one it was completely rusted. I would definitely replace it.
Jan 21, 2018
Hunter P42 Ft Lauderdale
When I had to do this years ago, I used fiberglass elbows. So far, so good. No rust.

Making the black tank out of aluminum didn’t make much sense either.