End Stops for the self tacking jib traveller

Jan 22, 2008
Catalina 275 15 Bellevue, WA
At the end of last season, one my crew noticed that the end stop on the port side of my jib traveller is missing. I have had the boat for two years and I am not sure that the end stop was ever there. Interestingly, there is a notch carved into the car (not good!).

Anyhow, I have been in touch with superhelp people at both Catalina and Harken and apparently the old part is not made anymore (although no one can tell me the part number).

Anyone else have this issue?


Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
Is it Harken track? (which is proprietary). There's a bunch on this page..........[ harken sail track endstop - Google Search ] ..... see anything you like. Then again, are you absolutely sure it's Harken? It could be Standard T track if the car is not Harken. If you can't tell...post a picture (only one is needed) and we'll tell you what it is.
Last resort, you can always make one out of a block of hardwood. Could be a fun afternoon project. Good luck!